“Blah, blah, blah… this is an outrage!”

The Republican National Convention wraps up tonight with the President’s speech. I don’t know about you, but it is very hard to keep from vomiting when listening to this guy speak. Yet, I must in order to know what to formulate counter arguments against fools that believe him to be the best thing since slice bread.

“Because I’m neither Japanese, 14 years old nor a girl.”

Welcome to the first post of September or as I like to call it, News Radio quote month here at BrowserMetrics. Like I said before, I want to use this schtick to highlight the great mid-nineties show News Radio, and to help my writing/blogging.

What should the first post be? I’ll make it about News Radio. If you don’t know about it check out the entry here on IMDB. Or read a fascinating article of the characters’ inter-relationship here (PDF) found at this site, NewsRadioArt.com. Hopefully that will get you started on your quest to learn all about this great sitcom. And if you really want to see it, you can catch it on the Bio Channel at 11:00 PM EST or check your local TV Guide for details.

(No this will not become a site dedicated to this show. Just want to throw a little appreciation its way.)

September is News Radio Quote Month

Shamelessly stealing from the ingenuously named A Perfectly Cromulent Blog, I have decided that every post in September will have a quote from the under-appreciated News Radio. Hopefully, this will jump start my blogging as I have slowed down during the past month. I don’t think that the quote will match up with the post, but I’ll try. Stop in next month and join in my remembrance of the greatest sitcom ever.