Quote of the Day [3.18.22]

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

First Amendment to the US Constitution

Songs Too Long

In a previous post, I espoused my affection for Beck's Deadweight. The nostalgia it filled me with led me to purchase it on iTunes. From the music video, the song is about 4.5 minutes long, but iTunes' only version is 6+ minutes long from extra material in the re-release of Odelay. Oooo, more song for my listening pleasure. Sadly no, the extra minutes is the song trailing off in bloops and bleeps ruining a wonderful experience.I find this aspect of the digital age depressing. When we were analog and copying our music onto cassette tapes, we had control of the process. A song too long can be shortened with the simple press of the button or a fade to silence. Fade ins and cross fades were done easily. The addition of snippets of other audio materials was easy as well. Yet, with digital music all that is gone or at least suppressed in a process that takes some time to set up, understand, and learn. We are stuck with hard boundaries in our music — a track.In other songs I've purchased, there are extraneous bits that I would not like to hear. This is prevalent with rap music and the skits between songs. Somehow the music distributors mash one track with the skits. This sucks as I just want the music, and I am forced to hit next to avoid listening to the crappy skit. I don't need no crappy skits. If I had wanted it, I would've kept the cassette running.Anyone hate this too?

Bait and Switch: Movie Soundtracks

Is there a more disappointing album of a movie soundtrack than the CD of "When Harry Met Sally?" The movie did not feature Harry Connick, Jr., but the album has him in spades. Songs sung by classic crooners of the past are sung by Connick on the official soundtrack album. "It Had to be You" sung by Frank Sinatra in the movie sung by Connick. A favorite Gershwin standard, "Our Love Is Here to Stay," sung by Louis Armstrong is sung by Connick. "Winter Wonderland" is Connick on the soundtrack but Ray Charles in the movie. It was a bad bait and switch.What would've been a sweet album with the classic singers becomes lessened with Harry Connick, Jr. as the vocalist to many of the more memorable tunes from the movie. The album reminds you that Harry Connick, Jr. has a long way to go to become a favorite.

Link of the Day [4.26.10]

When my nephew was born, for his first Christmas I was thinking of getting him some Apple stock. I remember the run up to that December 25th. Apple (APPL) was mired in the low teens. I could hardly believe it. So when I found out that (at the time) you could purchase a single share, I thought it would've made a great present. But I talked myself out of it because why would a baby need stock in Apple?Now look at it here. I kept telling myself to buy APPL but never did. Who knew you could become a millionaire betting on APPL? It still keeps going up and up!Today's link is blocked at work. I hope this is correct.http://www.kyleconroy.com/apple-stock.php

Quote of the Day [2.09.09]

“My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through…”

Harry Whittington apologizing to Dick Cheney for having jumped in front of his gun barrel