Don’t You Forget About Me

When this song came out, when the Breakfast Club movie came out, I was just finishing up Catholic school and graduating to high school. One of the kids in the class of ’85 had a party to celebrate it. There was a DJ spinning records and all the kids dancing or mixing it up. The DJ had a few games with records as prizes — actual vinyl 45s. I won a round and had to choose. I didn’t know any of the music of the day because I was in my punk phase and didn’t listen to anything that wasn’t Black Flag, Minor Threat, or hardcore. [poser!] The girls said to take the Simple Minds single. I’m always up for listening to what girls say. It wasn’t a bad choice. It’s a song that reminds me of youth, but I’m sure that for my classmates, the title does not apply for me.

Old Acquaintances

Let’s get it started early. So long 2013. Hello, 2014. Here’s to everything that happened in the past 365. Here’s to everything that will happen in the next 365. I wish you and yours a safe and happy New Year!

Cuba de Ayer

Just got back from an early dinner at Cuba de Ayer in Laurel. Cuban food takes me back to my days at the U. I also wore my new University of Miami cap with the old style ‘M’ script. I was like a young kid again.

I had the bistec with black beans and rice and friend plantains. Yum. I miss black beans and rice. Theirs made me smile it was good.

What’s weird about Cuban food is that some of it really is like Filippino food. The bistec I had? Just like my mom’s bistec! There was picadillo on the menu. It’s like my mom’s except that it comes with raisins and olives. There’s pork chops and there’s lechon just like my mom’s. I guess that’s why I like Cuban food; it’s Filippino style!

Link of the Day [5.24.12]

This one’s for my good friend, Akeshia, who’s been reminding me of fun times at the U. We watched a few movies together when we were undergrads. Perhaps, my belief that Start Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is the best of all Star Treks stems from catching it with her on a packed opening night at the AMC in South Miami. No not the one across the street, the other cinema!

Booming Classics

When I was in high school the music of the day was “classic rock.” The Doors, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd were all popular with my classmates. These bands were all part of our parent’s lives and years later they became a part if ours. It was a 20 year span before we embraced the music as ours.

Fast forward to today. The music from 20 years ago was Nirvana, rap, grunge, and R&B. I liked it then. Now it is our “classic music.” I can’t believe it. My generation’s music is now “classic.”

The time does fly.

Link of the Day [4.11.11]

Did movie going go out of fashion? Is it no longer social? Or has it changed into something else?

We watch lots of movies, but no longer together. What does that do for our common experience?

Imagine watching Star Wars for the first time as a downloaded iTunes file. Would it be as awesome? Would it be mind blowing? Would you watch it all the way through mesmerized? Or would you have it playing in the background as you facebook your friends? Could you feel the anticipation of getting back in line at the theatre to see it again? Or would you rather press play again?

Appleseed XIII

Appleseed was my favorite manga back in the day when you could only buy manga from a comic book store. It’s had a couple of adaptations: an OVA in the 80s and those CG ones in the last few years. Here’s another version. Supposedly it will stay true to the manga. I don’t know. Plus I’m not feeling this animation style. CG? Can’t they just do it the old fashioned way? Regardless, I’m looking forward to it, because of the landmates.

Monday Morning Musings [VI]

It's been awhile since the last post under this heading, but what better way to kick off a quiet week at the office. No one's around. Just me in the lab. No one to see that you're slacking off. Let's write a blog post about something!I figure that this one should be about the year that passed, 2010. While nothing spectacular happened, there are some highlights and lowlights to assess. Overall, another mediocre year in the life of BrowserMetrics.The best things to happen where the vacations with cousin Bob. It's a good time whenever he's around, but an ever better time when that time is spent in magical places: Disneyland and Hawaii. O, those were vacations to remember. Fun and sun. Surf, sand, and more. Lots of good things, good times, and good eats.Terrible things that happened this year. I never rode my bike. A good friend went back home. We had a couple of blizzards and I never made it to the slopes. My inaction on a lot of these issues was disturbing. Maybe I should get out more?Movies? Didn't watch too many. My Netflix queue is not getting serviced too much. Nothing is playing on TCM. I'm just waiting for something good.Books? Manga! Manga! Manga! From Uresawa to Uresawa: Pluto to 20th Century Boys. Lots of scifi in there: Saturn Apartments, Twin Spica, 7 Billion Needles. It's seems that I've run full circle to my reading habits although it's now manga. As for traditional books, not too much read.Anime! Too much torrenting, and not enough buying. K-ON! ended which makes me sad. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya and Summer Wars anime movie were both released which makes me happy. Other anime to have watched: Oreimo, Amigami SS.There were lots of things I did this year. Just nothing spectacular. Have you done your year end retrospective as well?