
Fukagawa Mai announced her graduation from Nogizaka46 today. I am sad again.

But it’s not like she’s one of my favorites. I love ’em all. If forced to order, MaiMai would not make my top 10. From reading others, she is beloved by the fans, therefore she’s beloved by me.

She is the oldest currently of the group. It was expected that she would want to graduate soon. I wasn’t expecting anyone from the group to announce so soon after their triumph at Kouhaku. Yet, it had to happen.

The olds are leaving and the news must rise to the challenge. Will Nogizaka46 be the same?


Nagashima Seira announced yesterday that she plans to graduate from Nogizak46. There have been plenty of idol graduations during the short period that I have been an idol otaku, but this is one which has saddened me.

Nagashima is my third favorite of the group and the top Under Girl member. I didn’t really pay attention to her until this second video. That laugh and the enjoyment of the roller coaster was what made me her oshi. I was smitten. She’s the group’s leading mood maker in my opinion. I’ll miss that laughter. I’ll cherish her final days with the group.

Sadly Mac

Who's got the juice?

MacBook Pro is weezing and injured.

The laptop on the left lost its display last Tuesday. I’ve been connecting to it via screen sharing, but even that is going. It takes two or three boots before it displays itself on the network. When I mounted it as a firewire drive, it complained that the drive was bad. Running DiskUtility on it and DiskUtility wants me to copy as much off the disk as possible and reformat.

I’ve Carbon Copy Cloned her drive, but haven’t tested if the copy was good. Fingers are crossed that the back up went well, because I’m going to have to try and get her fixed up. Or maybe its time for a new laptop. A new MacBook Pro with an SSD drive!