Oscars 2013

I didn’t even post my Oscar predictions. All I know is that several weeks ago I thought Argo was going to win best picture. After all the awards it has won, I stand by my prediction.

Consider this an open thread for discussion about tonight’s ceremony.

Let me hear your thoughts and predictions.

And the nominees are….

It’s not too late to place in your entry to the Fourth Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool. We’re up to seven entries two of which I have no idea who they are. So join in if you hadn’t done so.

The entries so far have only one unanimous winner, Toy Story 3. Yeah, Pixar is always a shoe-in for best animated film. I wish that weren’t the case. I think if Satoshi Kon was still alive he would give them a run for their money with his brand of anime.

I just bought a few of the Oscar nominated shorts: Let’s Pollute in the animated category and in the live action, The Crush and The God of Love. I don’t know why, but I wanted to see if these are as good as my bet for them were.

And don’t forget the winner (most positive points) can win any of the best picture nominees. It would be awesome as a download.

Oscar Pool Reminder and Open Thread

Thanks to the one and only incomparable Annie, we receive an appreciation from one of last year’s winners. Annie ruled the micro points portion of our contest, won a copy of Bolt, and shared her little ones (minus one) enjoyment of this Disney Pixar attempt. Although, those multi-prize times are gone, they’ll be back soon. This year, though, it’s a cage match to the death. “N men enter 1 man leaves!” Our goal this year: beat the two time champ riss.

Consider this an open thread on the Oscar (pool) race