Virtual Oscar Party

Live blogging the Oscars! I’ll post scores (maybe) or the winners.

8:27 EST PM: Watching the Amazing Race. And can’t believe that the Cowboys made it past the last roadblock.

8:28 EST PM: You could also follow my tweets here!

8:32 EST PM: Opening monologue/movie. Are you laughing yet.

8:37 EST PM: What the hell does Back to the Future have to do with anything tonight?

8:41 EST PM: Switched over to The Amazing Race again. The teams are in kangaroo suits!

8:42 EST PM: This is boring me. How much longer? 4 hours!?!?!

8:44 EST PM: Art Direction: Alice in Wonderland. Lots of people made this choice!

8:48 EST PM: Cimematography: Inception. Only 1 hit!

8:52 EST PM: CapitolSwell’s in the lead with 13 points. Everyone else is going backwards. Trying to catch the end of the Amazing Race. Come on asian dudes!

8:59 EST PM: It was the engaged couple who got the uturn in the first episode that were philiminated. And Melissa Leo wins the Supporting Actress. I’m going backwards.

9:07 EST PM: Animated short: The Lost Thing. Only CapitolSwell and Marge get that one. Animated Feature: Toy Story 3. Only Angeli missed that one! That was the shoo-in of the week! I mean that category is the annual Pixar Oscar!

9:13 EST PM: White tie!

9:17 EST PM: Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network. And this guy talks alot. I thought he could speak faster!

9:21 EST PM: Original Screenplay: The King’s Speech. I thought Inception. Akeshia in the lead with 19 points.

9:35 EST PM: Supporting Actor: Christian Bale. Foreign Film: In Better World. I should’ve made the scoring more dynamic. Everyone in the hunt is bunched. And it looks as if it will come down to the Best picture.

9:42 EST PM: Sci Tech Awards! Marissa Tomei was the presenter? The couldn’t find another young hottie to have hosted this one? What? Where was the Black Swan girl? No, the other one?

9:44 EST PM: Oscar winner Trent Reznor? Wha!?

9:53 EST PM: I am bored. Let’s hurry up and finish this?! Wait! The SciTech awards!

10:01 EST PM: Makeup: The Wolfman. Costume: Alice in Wonderland. James Franco is dying on stage. Anyone tweet that out to him?

10:03 EST PM: I’ve never been so relieved to see them singing the nominated songs on the telecast. It brings something to this boring show. I’m too busy updating the numbers. Here’s something hilarious: Marge has 3 points, but has guessed 6 correctly! Hi hi!

10:28 EST PM: Billy Crystal. Bring this guy back.

10:30 EST PM: Bob Hope. Bring this guy back.

10:37 EST PM: Worst show in a while.

10:44 EST PM: Wait. That song was nominated? Was it really longer than that?

10:53 EST PM: I noticed that I haven’t posted winners in awhile. Meanwhile Brian and Eleanor tied for the lead.

10:58 EST PM: @jamesfranco‘s twitter feed more interesting than his hosting capabilities. Bring back the ghost of Bob Hope!

11:01 EST PM: Congratulations, nerds! is making the google rounds!

11:05 EST PM: It’s a tie! Brian and Eleanor have it from here on out. Unless The Social Network makes a run… doubtful… We’re gonna have to go to the tie breakers!

11:17 EST PM: At least this was a short telecast. Directing: Tobe Hooper, The King’s Speech. Actress: Natalie Portman.

11:25 EST PM: Colin Firth. The King’s Speech.

11:30 EST PM: Preliminary winner of the 4th Annual BrowserMetrics’ Oscar Pool is Brian if the numbers holds up. (and if it’s The King’s Speech)

11:38 EST PM: The King’s Speech! Wins 4 Oscars! Finally we’re done!

11:41 EST PM: Welp. We’re done for another year. Congratulations to all winners, both at the Academy and in the BrowserMetrics’ Oscar Pool. (I think it’s Brian as he gets the first tie breaker correct). I got to go add up the numbers and check all things we’ll see.

Thanks for playing!

And the nominees are….

It’s not too late to place in your entry to the Fourth Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool. We’re up to seven entries two of which I have no idea who they are. So join in if you hadn’t done so.

The entries so far have only one unanimous winner, Toy Story 3. Yeah, Pixar is always a shoe-in for best animated film. I wish that weren’t the case. I think if Satoshi Kon was still alive he would give them a run for their money with his brand of anime.

I just bought a few of the Oscar nominated shorts: Let’s Pollute in the animated category and in the live action, The Crush and The God of Love. I don’t know why, but I wanted to see if these are as good as my bet for them were.

And don’t forget the winner (most positive points) can win any of the best picture nominees. It would be awesome as a download.

Fourth Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool

It’s almost Oscar night, and once again, I give you, my reader, a chance to bask in the fame and glory that Hollywood provides that night. It’s the Fourth Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool.

You know how to play: pick the eventual winners of the Oscars in all categories. Collect points. The most points wins.

I’m being particularly sadistic this year, though. I’ve changed the scoring structure and rules to win.

All categories are mandatory. The amount of points that a correct answer is worth is up to you this year. You can choose from 1 or 2 points in the “minor” categories and up to 3 points in the “major” categories. Choose wisely, because not only do you earn the points for the correct answer, you loose the points for a wrong answer. It’s a bet your placing that your hunch on the Oscar is correct. I’ll spot you 10 points; that’s 10 categories that you can totally guess at. The other 14 (I think) will give you nightmares.

The winner is the one with the most positive points. Most positive points gets you a copy (DVD, VHS, torrent, download) of any of the 10 Best Picture nominees when they are available in the United States. You can also win the no-prize of guessing the most correct, but it’s the points that count.

Good luck. Click me to start the madness

Link of the Day [2.01.11]

Oscar party kit! Oscar party kit!That would be exciting if you held your own Oscar awards ceremony party. Black tie! Red carpet! The celebrities! The excitement! Whoa! Who's coming over?Today's link takes you to the Academy's own ideas on how to throw an Oscar night party. Looks good. I've already planned and started work on the Oscar Pool. I like the Oscar bingo. How about the Moet? And the deviled eggs?

Get ready! Get set! Oscar!

Last year's race for Best Picture was considered a two picture race between Avatar and The Hurt Locker even though the category had ten nominees. What's it gonna be like for this year's show?If this New York Times article is accurate (, it should be wide open. The race is heating up, but should start getting good real soon. Besides The Social Network, Inception, and perhaps Scorcese's Shutter Island, I think the Oscar-worthy pictures aren't bound to show up in theatres until winter, their usual schedule slot. I haven't heard much about some of the films mentioned in the article. I've only just seen the Coen's True Grit trailer, and even then it does nothing for me. This year has been the suck for movies. I wonder if they're as terrible as last year. Anyway, this post should also be a Link of the Day because embedded in the NYTimes article is a nice site,, that tries to handicap the Oscar race. I read a few posts there and it reads very cool. Looks to be a great resource in the next BrowserMetrics' Oscar Pool.

And the Oscar went to…

The preliminary count of the winner of the BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool in Imax 3D. I still have to tabulate the votes and make sure that my math is correct. Or I can look at the Seeds count.

Looks to be Jeremy Benthem aka The Seed.

I actually got the most points but I am ineligible for the prize.

I’d like to thank you, my participants, for making this fun. It’s you who make it all worth while.

I think this is the final correct tally.
BrowserMetrics 37
Jeremy Bentham 33
Wyman Lee 30
Riss 25
Marge 23
CapSwell 22
Akeshia 22
Annie 22

Oscar Pool Ballots

I think I’ve closed the google form, here’s the link to the
final submissions. It’s what I’ll be using to tally up the scores. And it looks like I’m gonna have to start putting your names in the hat because they all look the same.

So who’s live blogging this? Or better yet, who’s hosting the live chat? And if you join twitter you may see some of my own bitter tweets.

I forgot to add that I don’t actually win if I do get the most points.

The count so far:

I’m building a lead! Suckers! :p

Heh heh Hurt Locker winning sound!


The Hurt Locker is looking to be the winner of the night! But its gonna come down the the foreign picture to make or break the Oscar Pool.

It looks as if the two time defending champion, riss, has been dethroned. I believe that it is the Wyman who may take her crown. But we still have to do the tabulating of results.

Sandra Bullock looks to give Jeremy Benthem the winning hand.

And it looks to be Jeremy Benthem’s! Unless he gets shot…

Oscars? Nobody knows nothing!

I wish I could show this to you, but I don’t want to shoot your email addys all over the internet without express written consent. Here’s a snippet of the most interesting of responses: the ones where we disagree on the most. I think we don’t have a clue on these choices. We just blindly picked.

Live Action Short

Foreign Language

Doucmentary Short

Those are from the submissions as of tonight (this post time). It’s got at least one extra ballot where someone changed there mind. You still can too!