Vote Quimby II

Thanks to my three main readers (you know who you are). They've already
voted in the 1st Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool. For the rest of my
regular readers, why haven't you voted. Polls close Sunday at 5pm EST.
Go vote!

UPDATE: Alright, now we’re starting to see some action! We’ve got five participants! Here’s a view of the current predictions in a nice lovely spreadsheet.

Get ready to rumble

Because Initech is filled with lame people who barely see a movie a year, I have never in my life participated in the office Oscar® pool. Therefore, I am conducting one here!

Yes, now you have a chance to make your predictions for this year’s Oscar® in the comfort of your pajamas. You don’t need to shlep to work to do it. So start looking over the prediction punditry. Visit your favorite film blog for insight. Start flipping a coin. You may win the 1st Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool!

But here are the rules:

  1. One entry per person
  2. There are officially 24 nominations under consideration during Sunday’s telecast. You have 24 chances. Make a prediction in all 24!
  3. Scoring will be based on who has the most points at the end of the telecast.
  4. Points will be assigned based on making a correct prediction.
  5. Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Supporting Actor, and Supporting Actress are worth 3 points each
  6. Best Director, Best Animated Feature, Adapted Screenplay, Original Screenplay, and Art Direction are worth 2 points each
  7. The rest are worth 1 point each
  8. There is a total of 39 points in play (5×3 + 5×2 + 14)
  9. In event of a tie, the tie breaker will be the person guessing as close to, but not over, the official number of people watching the telecast in the US.
  10. If still tied, I will pick a name from a hat
  11. Post your entry in the official thread
  12. Entry accepted until Sunday, February 24, 2008 5:00 PM EST as determined by the time stamp in your entry.

I’ll try my best to tabulate the score soon after Sunday.

The winner will receive a DVD of any one of the nominated films now or when they get released.

Good luck and have fun!

Oscar Nominees 2005

They were released this morning so here they are. How many best pictures have you seen? I have count two so far, Sideways and The Aviator.