In the weeds

These are small planes. They take you to the heartland of America. You fly over the fly over states until you land in one. Then you drive on flats that keep going. Now I know why the cycling out here is ideal. There are no hills.

Bring back cheese when you head home. Back to the coasts, yet no where near the ocean. Back to civilization.

Gravity’s Pull


They are so 80s. So high school. So that time of my life. It reminds me of fall going into winter and having to do winter soccer. Being punk rock. Or being an outsider. What is it that Holden Caulfield said about all the phonies at his school?

Quote of the Day [3.19.09]

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many
of our people need it sorely on these accounts."Mark Twain(I have 300+ hours of vacation time)

Mini Driving

I think they give every owner a copy of this movie.

Then they say don’t drive like that!

Quote of the Day [12.23.08]

“You can’t suppress the truth! The people have a right to know! Roswell! Roswell!”

Blaine, The X-Files, “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space”

Link of the Day [11.21.08]

This’s what’s great about those crazy libertarians. It almost looks like real, legal tender, but the government shouldn’t be controlling the minting of currency. It’s bad enough that the do it on paper, but their money doesn’t have sound backing in gold reserves! What we need is to allow anyone to strike some coins as long as they’re backed by some kind of precious metal.

And I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Astronomy porn

I used to visit NASA’s astronomy picture of the day almost everyday. Fascinating photos and informational tidbits about certain celestial wonders. If you love looking up at the myriad of stars in the night sky, then this site should be in your list of bookmarks. Maybe it should even be your homepage. Make it so.