Link of the Day [5.13.15]

Need a website for today’s Link of the Day. Can’t find anything to talk about. Here’s one I saved the link to my desktop. Don’t know why.

Wait. I do.

It’s because I was watching some J-Drama on Crunchyroll in which one of the models was an actress in the show. It was a fine J-Drama. Is there any Pinoy dramas like it?

Link of the Day [5.12.15]

Need to keep up with Link of the Day posts so as not to miss out on the palindrome fun.

Today's is SPOILER ALERT filled. Don't read it unless you have seen the movie Ex Machina.

I have, and the essay in the link does contribute to a lot of what I thought about the movie. I should write my review, but in short, I thought it was a refutation of the male gaze that contributes to nerd hubris. Hmm…

I really should write that review.

Link of the Day [4.14.14]

The Turner Classic Movies channel is celebrating 20 years. In honor of this you should take some time to watch a few classic movies that will be showing on the channel today. You should also spend some time watching it for the next month, because there will always be something good on.

It's one of my favorite channels. I would get rid of my television except for this channel.|968322/Robert-Osborne-on-TCM-s-20th-Anniversary.html

Link of the Day [3.15.13]

So after accepting Google shutting down Reader, you’ll have to get all your subscriptions and stuff back, right? Well at least Google will help you. Anyhow, go Argo yourself Google. That’s the last vestige of any Google application I am using (maybe except for YouTube), so good riddance.

Go get your RSS and remember to do it by July!

Link of the Day [3.14.13]

The last bit of Google I use will disappear in July. No not Snapseed Desktop for Macintosh, but Google Reader. I’ve been a user since its introduction. I’ve always used it for reading websites at work — it makes it easier to visit blocked sites and to look like your working and not visiting websites. But now its gone.

Go Argo yourself Google. You can’t put ads in my RSS reader, so now you want to stop the fun. Oh well, I’ve got to find an alternative. Anyone know some type of replacement?

Link of the Day [3.13.13]

I could’ve been an animator. I would’ve loved to have been an animator. From the Loony Tunes and Merry Melodies of my youth to today’s CG spectacles, I dig animated movies. I would’ve loved to have been involved in the industry. Maybe I can make the pixels on your computer screen dance one day.

Anyway, enjoy this new Mickey Mouse short. It’s somewhat enjoyable — especially the French. It’s something new from an old franchise.

Link of the Day [2.13.12]

We are living in a time of transition from analog to digital. We have only just begun, and it is going to take awhile before we get there. What it's going to look like is anyone's guess. I believe we're still another 15 years before we're fully there, so there's still a lot of growth and pain to go through.So what happens to our old, analog stuff? And what will happen to our new, digital stuff? Again, it's anyone's guess, but there will be unintended consequences. We will have to relearn old tricks. We will have to redo our processes. We will have to re-imagine new ways.Today's link begins to discuss the digital transition for the film industry. Will our future be as rough as it is for the film industry? Who knows?