Link of the Day [8.30.11]

In my Google Reader (the only google app I truly use day-to-day), I’ve got the political feeds set up to be the first thing launched. Basically, I use Reader to read political blogs. I get most of my political information from blogs, because our news industry is broken. They are not newsmen but entertainers. There is no more reporting but entertainment. You wonder why we’re stupid. It starts with our press. We’ve given up on informing. We’d rather entertain. It’s become trivial and this makes the world susceptible to assfucks such as Palin, Bachman, the GOP and the Tea Party. It leads us to fucktard presidents. When we are uninformed, we make these bad decisions. Of course, sometimes people are just plain stupid.

Real Ravens Fans?

Real Ravens Fans?
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
In the current issue of ESPN, the magazine, (Feb ?) they asked fans of
this year’s losers who they’ll root for in the Big Game. Here’s who
the Ravens fans are gonna be rooting for. This one is hard to believe.
No true Ravens fan would cheer for the Colts. They asked the wrong
people. Must’ve been fair weather fans.

When I read this I did a spit take and snapped my head back! I may not
be a die hard Ravens fan, but I won’t root for them over the Saints.

Quote of the Day [10.17.08]

"I'm astounded that this issue is being trotted out again. Based on
what I saw in 2004 and 2006, it's a scare tactic."David Iglesias, unduly fired US attorney about the newly opened "voter
fraud" investigations

Link of the Day [8.17.08]

Warning! Beware of imitators! There are fakes out there!

When you start collecting anime figures, you just want to buy everything you see which is hard because you can only get them from overseas. So you search. You can get the more renowned figures from or other specialty retailers such as or One of the more dangerous places to get them from is ebay. Most of the time they’re from some Hong Kong dude. And (I’m just conjecturing) they may be selling you a fake copy. That’s fine if you want to save money, but the build quality is even less perfect.

Today’s site directs you to Good Smile Company’s informational page on spotting the phony. It’s of Mikuru-chan. I only highlight it today, because I recently got that Mikuru Asahina nendoroid (she’s so kawaii! >.< ) and I hope its real. Oh, I may have a phony in my toy collection. O_o;