

I was thinking about cooking hot dogs for dinner tonight. That was before I heard on the radio on the ride home that it was National Hot Dog Day.


Four Nathan’s franks boiled on the stove with mustard and onions.


As ol’ Brent Steinberger said, “I never met a hot dog I didn’t like.”

Snow January 2014

It’s cold, and there is snow on the ground. I’m also drinking a milkshake, and the thermostat is set at 63 F (that’s a blog post for another time). I’m cold. It’s cold this year. There’s another Polar Vortex on the way. Throw on some blankets and huddle down.

Winter Wonderland

I’m purposely posting everyday to get me to Little Christmas as the eastern Church would call it. Here’s a shot from the Ice! ice show at National Harbor south of DC.

It was a cold, cold experience even though today’s temperatures reached into the 50s. I wore my Patagonia Better Sweater, a hat, and a scarf, yet the provided parka they gave to you help insulate me more. Unfortunately, I did not have gloves and it got cold. After a bit, I wanted warmth.

This is a reminder that over the Holidays there are some things to do besides eat, sleep, and watch television.

Get up.
Go out.
Enjoy the winter!

Metropolitan Baseball Nine

Metropolitan baseball nine 1882 (LOC)

Getting ready for the season? Here’s a picture from the Library of Congress of the Metropolitan Baseball Nine. I think these are the Mets of yore. They look imposing, but I’m sure they were a knock over. Same as the current Mets. Baseball is baseball.

Meat Seller


They eat a lot of meat in Germany.

I ate a lot of meat in Germany. I wish I didn’t. I could’ve used a salad or two. At least the pizza at Thursday’s lunch was something different.



I could go for a pretzel right now.

Picture is of the selection of pretzel bread available to you as you wander around Munich, Germany. What’s missing is the sandwiches that could be made with said bread. Schnitzel. Some ham. Some turkey. In America, we have wraps. In Germany, they wrap a pretzel around it.

I could go for a pretzel…

106 F

106 F

Wow it’s hot! Here’s another shot of the dashboard temperature gauge.