Link of the Day [12.16.08]

I’m sitting at home waiting for the right time to head on over to the post office to pick up a package. I wish they would open at 8 am rather than a half hour later. I have to stay at work later than I would want to just because of the opening time.

In this day and age, the US postal service is a throwback to earlier times when letters were all important. Now, it’s just email, text, or IM. When will it be e-packages, text-packages, or IM-packages? Send my figures to my 3D printer so that I don’t have to wait so long.

Anywhoo, with the holiday coming up (9 days of shopping left), you better mail out those packages if you need them to get to their destination before Christmas morn.


Me and Marge from the Fish Tank spent the day looking for some eats.

It started with the need for some noodles. Obviously, with a post about ramen, that’s what I wanted. There really ain’t none in Bmore except for Mimoto. It doesn’t open until 5:00 pm on a saturday, but we were hungry too much earlier.

So we get to Edo Mae Sushi in Owings Mills, because they had soba as well as udon. Marge loves it cold, and that’s what we had. Plus a sunshine roll which was too much.

Then we get some coffee at the usual haunt. Yet, the coffee was too sweet (for Marge).

So we head back home, but she’s locked out. We wander around a bit and end up at Edo Sushi for a snack: a beer, sashimi and unagi.

That’s a lot of eating today. We’re gonna look for that ramen later next week. And perhaps more cold soba.

Lookin Up

I wonder if things are going to get better once school is done.

I’m trying to cram something in tonight, because of class tomorrow. It’s half assed right now (that link will work later this evening. I’ve got dishes in the sink. I’ve got laundry to fold in the drier. I’ve got some to iron. When will this shit end?

Rip it to shreds

Would you buy a DVD with version already ripped? Interesting idea. I won’t have to fiddle with handbrake and wait hours for it to complete. But you don’t know what kind of quality it would be. My answer is maybe. Ain’t it always though?