Battlestar Galactica: Razor

Awesome! Can’t wait until March for it to return? Or if ever because of the writer’s strike.

What was the most interesting revelation?

I thought it was the return of the original Cylon centurions and the raiders. Did they ever show them before?

Quite quiet

After NewsRadio Quote Month, I always take a break. Not because I have nothing to post, but I’m trying to adjust my schedule of work, school and play. It’s quite hard right now to post something fun as you can tell from my abbreviated post on the last movies I had seen in the theatre. I really wanted to do a review, but that would’ve not been done for a while.

I’m in the middle of doing tons of reading for class. I have to get started on a book for the ethics and I have to study for midterms in maintenance and evolution. I’m also struggling with getting a presentation done for maintenance and evolution while trying to watch a movie for ethics. It’s been tough that even my Netflix queue isn’t being serviced.

Quick Links

It’s the weekend and I usually like to run a long post for you to read on Saturday evenings. I suck at writing and time has been cut short with some things to do. I think I should write those items up over the week and just post them Saturday. Who am I kidding?

Here’s some links for the day. Stuff I was browsing through and found interesting. Hope you like ’em.

A switcher from PC to Macs makes a list of things that he has learned. (hat tip to Fake Steve Jobs)

Not getting things done. I do this often.

Believe in one thing on this list and join the extreme wing of liberalism! Huzzah! We’re all bad! What a wanker!

Happy Birthday, Jessica Biel!

I can’t tell if Black Sheep is trying to be like Shaun of the Dead or a more serious movie. Baa!

Talks amongst yourselves.

A break in the action

Taking a quick breather from writing my paper, I look back at this past weekend to see why I am still writing it as of 9:30 Tuesday. Well, It’s a Wonderful Life came on TV which I had to watch. Everytime Donna Reed was on screen, I had to say she’s hot.

I always imagine meeting a girl and exciting the same spark in her as Donna Reed’s Mary had when she spied George Bailey across the gym during the dance. Was that amazing? Can a guy get some of that please? What’s a great line to say to your girl than whispering in her ear about loving her “until the day I die?” I am a patsy on this thing, and that’s another reason why I love It’s a Wonderful Life.

Paper Update

Because the Seed asked for it, here’s a live blog update from your unworthy, procrastinating blogger.

I am at the crux of the paper. I’m stuck on what to write. It sucks. The past few days writing have been a whirlwind of shit put down. I don’t think it’s the best I could’ve done. I hope to recoup at least 50% of the points available. Hopefully.

Also, I have to convert it into a presentation as well. Fuck me!

So to sum up:
— at the crux
— may get 50% of points
— presentation due as well.



Sometimes some things won’t ever get done. That’s the same with my paper. I don’t think I can write it. I’m bored by the subject. I don’t feel like doing it. I’m stuck.

Like watching a hole fill with dirt, it’s going to be the end of me.

Why I procrastinate

I so much want to be better writer. When faced with the blank sheet of paper or the empty new document, I seize up. My brain has millions of things it wants to write down, but my fingers only type things that are not exactly as the brain has thought. I started blogging to help me write. If you notice, not all of it is good. A lot of it is bad. I try to be a better writer, but can’t. So I don’t. That is my procrastination source.

Report due tomorrow

Fact 52: Efficiency stems more from good design than from good coding

This is from Robert Glass’s “Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering.” I am supposed to refute one of the facts. Unfortunately, none of them seem unreasonable. They are all true to some degree. The above fact is very true. A good design can produce good code. A poor design will produce bad code. Yet, I want to say that this is false?

What is false about it? I am so stuck on this question that it is keeping me from writing this paper. I am screwed. An allnighter is coming up.