Quote of the Day [7.19.08]
“The reason I don’t make my freethrows is because I believe nothing in life is free.”
Shaquille O’Neal
Quote of the Day
“The reason I don’t make my freethrows is because I believe nothing in life is free.”
Shaquille O’Neal
Ooh, baby (Ooh, baby)
It’s making me crazy (It’s making me crazy)
Everytime I look around
Everytime I look around (Everytime I look around)
Everytime I look around
It’s in my face
OMC, “How Bizarre”
“Barack, he’s talking down to black people. I want to cut his nuts off.”
Jesse Jackson
“Football is all very well a good game for rough girls, but not for delicate boys.”
Oscar Wilde
“There is no ghost so difficult to lay as the ghost of an injury.”
Alexander Smith, Scottish Poet and Essayist
Dr.Sergio Ramos
Email: sergioramos2414@yahoo.comDear friend,
Business Opportunity
I am Dr.Sergio Ramos, head of international banking of UNICAJA Bank a private banking based in Madrid, Spain. I am contacting you concerning a deceased customer, and an investment he placed under our banks management 3years ago. A few years ago, the client, now deceased made a deposit of 10.3 million Euros. I was assigned to manage this account and turn over same over various investments. I followed his instructions and invested his funds in high yield areas and have been monitoring the investment.
At Maturity of the investment, I made attempts to reach him and get his go ahead to turn over the investments but got no response. I made intense but futile efforts to locate him. I consequently passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department which soon confirmed that my client had passed on. A person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Cannes, South of France. The bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional
processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin.In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence,accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous. This bank even gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces
of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; our now deceased client died without leaving a will.My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation and the only party to receive the results of the investigation. It is quite clear now that our client died with no known or identifiable family members. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit of the deceased client. According to normal practice, my bank will by the end of this year broadcast a request for statements of claim. Failing to receive viable claims they will most probably revert the deposit to the Government. I am prepared to put you forward as next of kin and approve same with a view to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in the ratio of 60/40 in my favour.
This will not be too difficult, counting on the fact that I will be on hand to guarantee the funds are released to you, using my official position.This can be done with your cooperation in a few working days.At your request, I will provide further information.It is of paramount importance that you do not contact me via the bank mailing system or switch board
telephones about this project as all official lines are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our total Quality Management Policy. I will therefore be inclined to feign ignorance if this happens as i await your response via the above contacts.Sincerely,
Dr.Sergio Ramos
“It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.”
John Hinderaker, PowerLine Blog, July 28, 2005
Chickity china the chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin
Watchin x-files with no lights on, were dans la maison
I hope the smoking mans in this one
“One Week,” Bare Naked Ladies
I hit a beat and swing a note as if my name was David Ruffin
Quick to toast an MC just like an english muffin
Grand Puba, “One For All”
“You know something Fox. Right now in Europe they’re trying some 80 year-old camp guard for Nazi war crimes. And all around our country they got guys on death row for murdering 1, 2, 3 guys. And they probably deserve what they’re going to get. But you & I… we know a couple of people that are personally responsible for the death of what, 50,000 non-military personnel? Librarians, teachers, doctors, women, children. All dead! We’ve wiped-out entire cultures! And for what? Not one C.I.A. agent has ever been tried, much less accused of any crimes. You guys think you’re above the law. Well, you ain’t above mine.”
Nico Toscani (Steven Seagal), Above the Law