Quote of the Day [2.23.12]

Blaine Faulkner: I know how crazy this is going to sound, but… I want to be abducted by aliens.
Jose Chung: Why? Whatever for?
Blaine Faulkner: I hate this town. I hate… people. I just want to be taken away to someplace where I… I don't have to worry about finding a job.Blaine Faulkner (Allan Zinyk) to Jose Chung (Charles Nelson Reilly), The X-Files, "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'"

“Presenting ‘Dave the Insane Maniac,’ a play in one act, by Beth and Bill.”

Quote of the Day [9.02.11]

”The voluptuous pleasure that cycling can give you is delicate, intimate and ephemeral. It arrives, it takes hold of you, sweeps you up and then leaves you again. It is for you alone. It is a combination of speed and ease, force and grace. It is pure happiness.”

Jean Bobet about La Volupté, “Demain, en Roule (Tomorrow, We Ride)”

Quote of the Day [7.20.11]

"[T]here are stocks, bonds, commodities and Apple Inc. Apple has become its own asset class and an incredibly impressive one at that. What happens with Apple is not a new economic indicator for the broad economy but more an undeniable endorsement of an amazing product and brand."Peter Boockvar, The Big Picture, "Stocks, bonds, commodities and Apple Inc."