
Love this version of the School Rumble 1st season ending because Mamiko Noto sings in it along with her sister in animation, Ami Koshimizu. Mostly for Mamiko Noto and her gentle voice. She’s probably the only anime voice actress that you can tell just by listening. There are a few others I recognize, but none as memorable as Mamiko Noto. You can catch her currently voicing Sawako Kuronoma in Kimi Ni Todoke (KimiTodo), the best shoujo out there.

“Dave, if by some incredible miracle Bill does come back, don’t tell him I put his coffee mug in my pants.”

Link of the Day [9.09.08]

That’s one crazy link, hunh? I know that it is better web etiquette to put an actual descriptive phrase for the link enclosed in those anchor tags, but I’m just continuing on with the grand tradition of the raw URL, because it’s the way it looks if I post via email. Keep it the same for both web-based or email-based posts and you don’t have to worry about the format. You do have to worry about the length of the line, because iPhone wraps it weird;.

Anywhoo, today’s link is to OtakuUSA magazine’s article on “Gateway Anime.” That’s anime that leads you to becoming a life long fan. It’s similar to how cigarettes or pot can lead you to harder drugs like crystal meth or special K. I know my gateway anime is Robotech. I did watch a few episodes of StarBlazers, but it was usually on crappy UHF and hard to get good reception, so it was tough to watch. And I did love watching Speed Racer and Kimba, the White Lion, but being so young at the time, I didn’t think about them being “Japanese Animation.” They were just some cartoon.

Robotech was different. You couldn’t wait for it to come on, so you’d hurry home to watch it or set the VCR to tape it. Then you’d watch it over and over. And not too long afterwards, you buy your first Valkyrie fighter. And it was cool. Next came the models. And finally, you’d get that first crush on a 2D girl. Oh, Lisa Hayes (Misa Hiyase in the original Macross), forget that lame Rick Hunter…

Hunh? Where was I?

Oh, yeah, Robotech was my gateway anime that started me down the anime fandom road. Not to mention School Rumble.


School Rumble #283

School Rumble ends at 283 chapters. (;_;)

There’s going to be another School Rumble though! School Rumble Z.

It ends just as I thought it was going to get good. Plus it ends on the most mysterious of notes. Short and curt. No wrap up of Eri x Harima or Yakumo x Harima. Nothing about the girls of 1-D even from last couple of weeks. Nothing about the rival class of 2-D. They just ended it. It’s just an ending. Reminds me of History of the World Part I. That’s one big ending.

I hope they can get these to America so I can complete my bookshelf.

School Rumble #281

Finally. After a couple of very weak chapters, School Rumble comes back to the main reason to read it: Eri v. Yakumo. The previous chapters had Eri and Harima finally making a couple, at least a pretend one. It seemed that Yakumo was out of the picture. She’s back in. Onigiri is on!

I’m conflicted because it seemed to be that Yakumo gave up, so I was somewhat happy that Eri won. Yet, damn I can’t give up on Yakumo. Go quiet girl! Go!

Also, the scans were cleaned up better and it looks better too.

School Rumble 278

School Rumble chapter 278 is pushing Harima and Sawachika closer and closer together. Darn. The noromo in me hates it. The onigiri follower in me hates it, too. Yet it was inevitable.

Save her Harima! You’re our only hope!

沢近 愛理

Sawichika Eri is very confrontational with Harima Kenji. Does she have deeper feelings toward him? Or does she hate his guts and find him a fool? With Tsukamato out of the picture in the US, it looks as if Eri and Harima might find out what type of relationship they have.

高野 晶

Takano Akira is the silent, quiet, proper one of the famous 2-C girls in School Rumble. She just kissed Hanai?! What does that mean?