One down. One to go.

Just sent off my final for GB700 Ethics and Social Responsibility.

I think I just blew that one. Hopefully, I get a B.

Now do I want to study for my final on Thursday?


“Come on, people! In the right hands, knife targeting is safer than driving.”

School has started. Taking two classes. It’s going to be an interesting year.

Both are reading and discussing classes. The first one is a business school class, ethics and social responsibility. I’m glad to know that they like to teach it to the MBA majors, but the corporation is an entirely different beast. The second is software engineering maintenance and software evolution. Sounds boring, but that is also my job. It’s boring, too.

Meh. I’m not complaining. Yet.

Paper Update

Because the Seed asked for it, here’s a live blog update from your unworthy, procrastinating blogger.

I am at the crux of the paper. I’m stuck on what to write. It sucks. The past few days writing have been a whirlwind of shit put down. I don’t think it’s the best I could’ve done. I hope to recoup at least 50% of the points available. Hopefully.

Also, I have to convert it into a presentation as well. Fuck me!

So to sum up:
— at the crux
— may get 50% of points
— presentation due as well.


Four Score

Once every so often in grade school we would have a field trip out to Gettysburg. The battlefield being relatively close, we would spend an afternoon looking across the Wheat Field, looking down into Devil’s Den, peering through the Peach Orchard or surveying the Union’s advantage from the top of Little Round Top. All very majesterial and very much a part of this Nation’s collective historical unconscious. Our field trips there were a highlight in the school year. We learned something about our country and we got to spend some time out of doors.

Today’s an anniversary of the Gettysburg address. It’s probably the most famous of Lincoln’s speeches. Very powerful and moving. Here’s a way to invert the speech’s succinct narrative. It could’ve been better using Apple’s Keynote.

Referential Integrity

Database class in school is for suckas. If I have to know third normal form once again, I think I’ll shoot someone. Damn, I should’ve placed out of this damn class.

CS 774 Group Project

For my Human-Computer Interaction class, we were divided into groups to work on creating an user interface. Here are the specifications for the choices of the programs that we could do.

I submitted number two. This was one of my Mac programming ideas. I want to implement it on the Mac, but there are a lot of these types of programs out there already. A lot better than what I had thought of. I may just try to get some Mac programming under my belt. It was chosen as one of the projects that people wanted to do. Hopefully, they come up with an interesting interface.

A recipe management program for cooks. It will allow the user to create a recipe entry with the ingredients and their measurments as well as the steps in cooking. The user can rate the recipe and add informational notes to each. The recipes will also be able to handle conversion to metric units and to scale the recipe for differing amounts of servings. The user can search for a recipe by meal type, ingredient, by number of servings, by occasion, by rating and by keyword. The recipe program can integrate with a calendaring system wherein the cook can plan a day, week or month’s meals. From the meal plan, the recipe management program can generate a shopping list.

The one I am working on number three, the textbook exchange program.

A software program that allows students to sell used textbooks to one another. It would work for both graduate and undergraduate courses. Students could enter information on books they want to sell into the computer along with a price as well as search the site for textbooks that they need. They could search by department, course name, number, or alphabetically for courses and books. They could compare prices as well as the seller’s description of the books, and if interested contact the student. If a sale is made, the book would be removed from the site.

I should’ve chosen the other group’s project (number 7). My group sucks. There are no Mac users on my team and therefore the team lacks ingenuity to approach the problem differently.

For example, we had to refine the requirements and come up with the user interface to the program. At first, one team mate was basically dismissing this as a simple program, because he looked at it from the searching aspect. Yes, that is simple. We’ve all seen google. We’re all familiar with the search user interface idiom. So let’s do something different. Let’s look at the student exchange aspect of the system.

In my book review of Leonardo’s Laptop, the author was wrote about the future of human-computer interactions and defined a new paradigm for it with the simple mantra of “collect, relate, create, donate.” We could apply this to our problem.

Let’s look at the problem from the seller’s standpoint rather than the buyer. How should the seller input his information? Standard input form? Boring. Let’s create an interface that allows the seller to define the books he has selling and allow him to watch as the orders come in. Perhaps, a look at ebay should guide us. How does ebay handle the selling of things? And how about adding an RSS feed of your own books? And how about the notifications style found in the Mac’s mail program?

We chose to do a data entry program. How boring. Perhaps a little search. Still boring. Like I said, I should’ve chosen the other program. Or at least done mine.


As you know, I am going to school for a masters in software engineering. One of the classes I am taking this semester is Human Computer Interactions. A very social-sciency type of subject. Tonight’s lecture topic was software tools. Programs that create other programs. This relates back to HCI, because these types of programs aid the developers in crafting the software. The lecture was just a categorization of the various types available.

This topic is a virtual grenade for software developers. Ask ten different software developers their favorite editor and you may get ten different answers. Ask them their preferred language and get a myriad of names. Ask them favorite platform and watch the whole thing explode in your face.

Tonight, the instuctor let slip that Java was faster than Visual Basic. I ran for cover. I was expecting a total flame war to break out, live in class. It happened.

We have a mix of developers in class. There are the web services folks, me the embedded systems guy, a lady who has to do COBOL, a Java dude and a few MS developers. One in particular has been a consultant/programmer on the MS Windows platform for about 15 years. He knows his Windows stuff and had to respond back to the Java versus VB jab. The Java dude had to respond back. I think if the instructor was not a woman it would’ve gotten ugly real fast. I, being a MacAddict, stayed out of this fight. Everyone knows that Macs rule.

Tempers simmered, and we ended up agreeing to disagree. That is the best tact.

January 28, 1986

I was sitting in the Common Room with an early free period. I think it was day 2 and Religion wasn’t schedule for then. I had just settled down on the couch with some friends when someone came from the library.

“The shuttle has exploded.”
“They’re showing it on tv in the library.”

We got up, went to the library and watched. What a catastrophe! I remember the iconic plumes of the solid rocket boosters, twisting free from the wreckage. I remember them doing their death spiral down until self-detonation. I remember the rain of debris as they seemingly floated gently down to splash into the ocean.

Twenty years ago. Yet it is still vivid in memory. I have had a morbid fascination with that event ever since and have read lots on the subject. Things an engineer has to know. Murphy’s Law. Blind luck. Pure fate. The gods have spoken.

NASA history of the Challenger tragedy.

Net Meetings

I now know why they have established a net meeting protocol. I have to coordinate putting together a slied presentation for class on monday. And I only have my part done. What happened to the other stuff? We need some collaboration tools online. Tout de suite!