Linda! Linda! Linda!

Randomly flicking around youtube looking at people play K-ON! or ENOZ. Run into the comparison of Live Alive with the movie Linda! Linda! Linda! Yes. It’s the same. Song kind of rocks. It’s a cover of a song from the premiere Japanese punk band, The Blue Hearts. They’re the Japanese Clash! Look at the structure of the song. The use of Spanish — dead give away that they want to be The Clash.

Funny things you run into late night.

“Morning, wage apes.”

Link of the Day [9.11.09]

Do you know that today is a palindrome day? Just look about nine-eleven-nine! Sweet!

But I just want bento.

I’m thinking about making these for lunch. The lady who runs the site says it helps her to lose weight. You just buy one of the smaller bento boxes for kids and it would help you on portion size. I have some of the plastic boxes from glad which I put lunch in, and their problem is that they’re more for storage rather than portions. So they’re larger than one plate of lunch. You end up putting in too much food, and you end up stuffed at work looking for a place to nap.

I’m thinking of adding bento boxes for my lunch. I’m gonna have to get a few bento boxes to alternate. Perhaps I’ll get them from tomorrow’s LOTD — if there is one.