Link of the Day [3.23.09]
Mmm. Cute asian goodness first thing Monday mornings. It’s like coffee, but cute.
Quote of the Day [3.07.09]
Somethin’s gonna stop this thing; it’s goin’ way too good
Don’t know how, don’t know when, but it’s gonna happen soon
Nagato-chan says, "Study up for the Oscar Pool!"
Nendoroid Yuki Nagato
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Don’t forget: 2nd Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool is currently running.
Visit the rules post to get the link to the ballot:
And come to the official thread to talk shit:
Link of the Day [1.07.09]
She’s the idol. She perhaps has a million otaku fans. She’s Mimi. And she’s fucking crazy. Thank Kami-sama for kawaii.
Nendoroids In Flight
flying Miku
Originally uploaded by dyril.
Hatsune Miku, so kawaii, she floats. I just love this photo.
Link of the Day [11.19.08]
It’s Wednesday and I’ll make it super kawaii for you. Check out this webcomic, and then go see Dr. Valar because it’s so sweet that your teeth will hurt the moment you read the first panel.
Link of the Day [11.08.08]
I might have linked to this site before, and even, to this page. But what’s better than nendoroid Melissa Seraphy?
Nendoroid Queen Melissa Seraphy!
Bow before her.
We are in awe of your majestic cuteness.
Is that the one you want?
I was looking for that figure of Melissa Seraphy. You really can’t find it in any of the comic shops. I leave the last one, and she walks in. Seifuku and moe beyond belief. I can’t stop but I turn around, keep going, and wish that I had a pony. I wonder if she’ll find the figure she’s looking for? Not my Melissa.
Shopping. I can’t stand it, especially in the mall. You stroll around and around circling endlessly until you decide to call it a day.
Me? I like the internet. No hassles. Easy. You just can’t touch what you want to purchase or get a good look. If it’s a figure, then good luck. You’ll have to go by the pictures, and those being from the manufacturer they’ll be done as best as they can be.