A Certain Blue Idol

I posting this although I’m going by memory.  Watched a few months ago, perhaps end of September early October, right around the time of the re-release of Perfect Blue.  It’s a critique of the film, but also of the idol culture upon which the film builds upon.  

Does the author build a case against Japan’s obsession with idols?  Does the author understand what idols mean to the Japanese?  Is his criticism of idol culture just a hook into the horror of the film?  Watch it and find out.

I think there are cultural differences between the West and Japan that muddy the waters.  There are good things and bad things to idols.  Certainly, the participants are open to exploitation, but as in many public pursuits this isn’t specific to idols.  Certainly, the fandom can be toxic, but fandom can breed bad fans in any corner of the world.  Certainly, the focus on youthfulness can be taken read as something unseemly for the olds to obsess over, but the case may be overstated.

Last week, my mom asked why I was obsessed with the young girls in Nogizaka46.  I still haven’t found an answer that would satisfy myself.  It is a thing that is me at this moment in life.  But really, I have never seen such a concentration of beauty in all my life.  So beautiful to make me cry.

One Reason

Hold onto your love, because it is capricious. At times, get yourself a receipt to ensure that you’ve got the one you love and to return the one you love back if all goes bad. But, still, hold onto the one you love.

“I am not a mindless drone. Mindless drones should not be allowed to use technology.”

“Hey, you. Over here.”

She calls me over there to look over something, but I’m not looking. I’m smelling. She smells brilliant that’s what makes her noticeable. Seconds after she enters the room, her fragrance hits the nose, and I can’t help but be reminded that there is a god.

“Thanks for the help.”

Now I’m back at my desk. Heaven is over there. Hell is here, myself, in my skin and nothing can bridge the chasm between the perdition and paradise.

“Off to lunch!”

Just this once, let me go with. It’s better to not eat alone. I know it is. I read it in a book that told me so even while I was alone.

“Goodnight. See ya tomorrow.”

Yes, we will. I’ll restart this thread once more in the morning.

Quote of the Day [3.30.09]

“I spend half the night talking to some girl who’s looking around the room to see if there’s somebody else who’s more important she should be talking to. And it’s like I’m supposed to be all happy ’cause she’s wearing a backpack, you know?”

Mike (Jon Favreau), “Swingers”