“Dave, we have got to get rid of that security door.”

Link of the Day [9.2922]

Damn. It’s late in the day for a post of the day. I should wait until tomorrow, but I read this and found it really a great take that I want to share it with you.

Brexit. My favorite topic. It is where Conservatives got what they wanted, and they still don’t know what they want. They also don’t know the harm it will do.

The worst is still upcoming considering that when it becomes apparent that Brexit and the wellspring of stupidity that is the Conservatism from which it sprang is going to wreck Britain, they will double down. More of the worst from some of the worst people in the world.

All I know is that to be a Conservative in this day and age is toxic and dangerous to your country.

I am looking forward to more of this collapse. My popcorn is ready. The flames of Brexit will warm our hearths over the winter.


Quote of the Day [11.20.19]

I want nothing
I want nothing
I want no quid pro quo.
Tell Zellinksky
to do the
Right Thing.
This is the final word 
from the Pres.
of the U.S.

Donald Trump

Stupid is as stupid does

What the Dems need is to cram the health care reform down these people’s throats. Let them choke on that for the time being. They should treat these people with contempt. It really is ridiculous what these fuckers claim.

These white people, and it is almost exclusively white, are too selfish for words. They don’t understand the intent of the health care reform. To put it plainly, it’s to give health care insurance to those who don’t currently have it in the least costliest of ways. These white people, and it is almost exclusively white, don’t want to share with anyone. Heaven forbid that the poor, sick, or the uninsured get health insurance. They don’t want to share in the cost. They want to live in the greatest country in the world, but don’t contribute. I say get the fuck out then.

Link of the Day [3.27.09]

Rereading the seven volumes of Strawberry 100% (Ichigo 100%) in anticipation for next one supposedly due in April. I read at least two chapters a day, and I don’t get more than a few panels before Junpei does something stupid at which I’m screaming at him. Or he doesn’t make a move at which I’m groaning about the whole enterprise. Just stupidity on his part.

I’ve peeked at the ending and read the wikipedia entry so I know who he’s ends up with. That’s eleven volumes away though, but I can’t help but wonder WTF is up with this guy.

All three girls dig him. And the other girls in the book dig him too. WTF just pick one of these girls. You know which one. But they are all so cute. Satsuki? She really, really, really likes you. Aya? She’s too shy to express her feelings. Yui? Isn’t she like your a little sister to you? Tsukasa? She’s not your girlfriend no longer.

YARRGH! You make me crazy, Junpei.



Zero Republicans voted for the stimulus bill.

Didn’t I tell you that you should ignore those people?

Fools for even trying.

A famous man once said, “Fool me once. Shame on… Shame on you. Fool me, can’t get fooled again.”

Don’t be President Fucktard.