The Hanging Chad

If you didn’t know, the United States had an election yesterday. Donald Trump versus Joe Biden. I’m sure you didn’t know, but I voted for Joe Biden. Last Tuesday.

It’s now a day later, and we don’t know who won. Thanks to the Electoral College, we still wondering who will get those votes. If we went by popular vote, Joe Biden would’ve been winner last night as Donald Trump has always been a favorite of a minority of voters. This wait reminds me…

Twenty years ago, we were in the same position with George W. Bush and Al Gore. That time we had the problems with Florida. We still do with the damn Cubans wanting to go back to the past and fight commies. Oya, Donald Trump is backed by commies.

Anyhow, that election twenty years ago featured another few days of counting votes to determine the winner via the Electoral College. Florida needed to do a recount, but the dumb ass Supreme Court in a terrible decision stopped the count and awarded dumb-fuck W the presidency. And it has been terribly contested since then.

But this time, no hanging chads to laugh about. We just need to count all votes that have been submitted, and maybe, just maybe, Biden will have won.

Legalize It

Yes. That drug.

You know the only harm it does is it makes you lazy.

But it would be nice to unwind in a different way.


Lil Big Monk

The MegaMillion jackpot is up to $500 million!

I had bought tickets last night. Actually, I only bought one for $1, but hit the $5 free play or something like that. The clerk said that I got a $5 credit and that I can buy another $5 worth of tickets. Being confused I went ahead and bought them. I thought she was asking for another $5 which I didn’t have. I wonder if I could’ve just cashed out and called it a day coming out $4 ahead. (In reality, it would be $3 ahead as I bought a ticket last Friday, too.)

Not any of the numbers I had received hit. Ain’t it a suckers bet?

Need a cohort

Just rolled in from a night at Camden Yards. Orioles take the second straight game from the Mariners. I did not wear my Ichiro jersey. I am a true homer. Only if Marge was there would I have. And tonight was a perfect night for some fun companionship.

With work being the way it has been with the layoffs and the fill in spots, your humble narrator had to lose one position and back fill another, stupid position, and he could use a nice game like this one.

On the ride in, I chatted with a gentleman who was just going to Pickle’s Pub and/or the game. I told him King Felix was pitching for the Mariners and that I had no hope for a win. Chris Tillman gonna pitch for the O’s and hope was non-existant. At least, I can watch the great Ichiro. You know he’s my second favorite.

I arrived early enough to catch the last half hour of the Mariner’s batting practice. Again I make the mistake of sitting in the bleachers in center-right. The weak hitting M’s only put 4 balls on the fly there and 3 or so on the bounce. I gave up on shagging balls and sat down and watched all the other dudes try and catch. An M’s fan kept yelling for a ball, but it ain’t happening if you don’t have tits.

I get a drink and then some nachos to begin the game. I’m down in my season tickets seats with a father and his young M’s fan. Guys are from Philadelphia. Go figure. Kid’s wearing the Ichiro shirt that I should’ve been wearing.

I yell to the ball girl. (Christen or Kirsten?) “First, foul ball give it to the Ichiro fan!” She smiles and nods. It doesn’t happen. I chatted with her in the bottom of the eighth. Maybe I’ll see her again the next time around.

Chris Tillman throws 200 pitches in the first 4 innings, but we are tied. Then all-star AJ comes through and drives in 2 runs on 4-4 evening. Ichiro gets thrown out by Matty Weit Weit. The legend of Bobby Andy doesn’t get going. Nick Markakis and Mark Reynolds were out of the lineup. Felix Pie taking his place and making some plays.

It was a good night with the win. I drank some beer and forgot about work for a few hours. It’s the best thing and I wish some girl would come along.

I rode home on the light rail beaming chatted with an Orioles usher about his work — he was going to another job. Tough. My work? Also tough.

But at least the Orioles win.