Hawaii Vacation 2010: Surfing is the only life, the only way for me

Hawaii 2010/Bob's Slice of Heaven/Paddle Out

We’re onto the last days of the Hawaiian Vacation and here’s the first one of someone surfing. This shot is just off of Cousin Bob’s old, new house. It’s right off the breaks in front of Diamond Head.

I took one look at this sight and I wanted to jump right in. It looks like a mellow break. I mean, these surfers you see in this photo are Japanese tourists learning to surf. I guess the break is mellow. I wanted to get out there, too.

Man, I think I’m gonna get a surfboard this summer.

Hawaii Vacation 2010: Sunset

Hawaii 2010/Sunset Beach

Been trying to figure out what to blog about to keep up the string of blog posts for the year 2011. I’ll hit up the ol’ reliable: the Hawaiian Vacation of 2010.

Just looking at these pictures makes me want to go surfing. Face up to the challenge that being in the water with the pounding surf and fellow surfers. I feel like doing it. I feel like heading to the closest break and diving in with a new board. Going this summer. All summer long.

Playing a ukulele. Playing surf guitar. Riding the bike to the beach. All summer long.