“Everyone knows standardized tests are fundamentally racist.”

My Panasonic Blu-Ray player is the worst.

When it plays through the special features, it hangs. Nothing. Usually, it should return you to the special features menu. It doesn’t. I have yet to figure out how to get it back. I usually restart the machine, and when I say restart I mean a hard shutdown pulling the plug with a restart. Remind me to never play a special feature through.

It’s also slow to respond to user input. I have no idea when I press the on button when it will actually respond. So you press it two or three times and now you may have shut it off.

There is no navigation back to the main menu. It’s a little pop-up which doesn’t seem to show everything. Is this Blu-Ray? Can they get software developers on this?

The War on Fat: 202.8


I despise that number.

On the first of the month, it’s 202.8. On the thirtieth, it’s 202.8. In between, it was up, and down. It never got below 201, and on a few days it was above 206 — those were the days that went unrecorded. But, ultimately, it returned back to 202.8. June was a cruel month.

So, I cheated. I don’t record those bad days. If I put it in, the trend line points up steeply. And when I return back to 202.8 the trend line barely point down. At this rate, I will hit my target goal in December. Of 2014!

I have put in the time on the rowing machine. I pushed 150 K this month, the second highest of the year. Still it’s only 202.8.

I have a theory. Perhaps I’ve already explained it in a previous post. I’ve looked at my historical data on weight and noticed that I don’t loose weight in the summer. I gain it. My theory is that this is part of evolution. Humans over the course would gorge themselves in times of plenty to be ready for the lean times. Summer is filled with foody delights. Eat before winter sets in when there is nothing to eat. I’m gaining weight because of evolution. Also, cookouts, ice cream, and beer. Good things to eat when times are plenty.

Maybe the fall, I’ll finally start losing the weight.

Your Cart Is Empty

it would help

Received an email from Zappos this morning that they had 1 pair of shoes that I wanted in stock. So I clicked the link to purchase. When I put it into my shopping cart, it said that they did not have it in stock any more. Yet, it still said that there was a pair in my size left. Ha!

So here they are mocking me. Making me want to reach into my iPad and straggle them. Come on. If it’s there it’s there. But don’t tell me it is when it isn’t. I mean you’re computer could’ve stopped and told me there was none left before I tried to add it to the cart.

Computers can calculate a lot of things.

This blog sucks

This is page views for BrowserMetrics for the last 365 days. As you can see it’s trending down this year, and it hasn’t been as good as it was the same time last year. After completing my Year of links and quotes, I’ve stopped blogging. I don’t know why. I don’t know what to say. I’ve basically just been doing things that only I am interested in. K-ON! Hatsukoi Limited! Cross Game! I’m the only one who likes it.

I”m wondering if there is anything left to say.

Sorry, I’ll try better.

Quote of the Day [8.28.08]

“We don’t have a moment to lose or a vote to spare. Nothing less than the fate of our nation and the future of our children hang in the balance.”

Hilary Clinton @ the Democratic National Convention 8.26.08

Chinese Spam Engine

I always wondered how spammers filled their spam email with snippets of text. You’ve read it. It defeats your spam blocker with the random text, and when you read it it almost makes sense. Almost.

So now my Annie Hall review is infamous. It’s probably clogging up the internet pipes as we speak. More interesting is if I ever receive it back.

Can anyone decode the unicode text and tell me what it means?

Here it is in full: (with additional line breaks added by me)
Beijing China