Quote of the Day [6.07.08]

“You may call me selfish if you will, conservative or reactionary, or use any other harsh adjective you see fit to apply, but an American I was born, an American I have remained all my life.”

Henry Cabot Lodge

Quote of the Day [5.31.08]

“History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided: that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder. No one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact. What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary.”

Scott McClellan, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception

Quote of the Day [5.27.08]

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

Roy Batty, Blade Runner

Get out the vote

Hillary Clinton wins in West Virginia and she argues that only she can beat McClown in the general elections. She is getting in the way of the chance to destroy the Republican party and muddling up the picture.

The goal of this year’s elections is to destroy the quaint notion that the Republican party and current conservative thinking are the best way to producing a great nation. The Democrats should be hammering this meme everywhere, every day, every time. They need to discredit their opponents, so that the nation can understand that the destructiveness of the selfishness-inspiring Republican thought was what directly contributed to the worst eight years of the US.

Yet, Clinton is still in it. Her presence now gets in the way of presenting the American citizens that the Democrats can lead the nation to greatness again. With her there, the Democrats can’t even lead their own party to greatness. It makes the message hard to decipher.

The nation is looking for kicking out the Republicans from office from state to national seats. Yet, the Democrats can’t capitalize at the most significant post, the president. Why should the nation replace incompetent and corrupt Republicans, if the alternative is just as incompetent? And Clinton still in the race makes the Democrats look it.

Just get out of our way, so that we can start kicking some Republican ass.

Seen from this morning

If you notice the time stamp of the previous post, you’ll see a time around 4 AM.

I don’t know why I was up.

Actually, I do. I acted the fool this morning. Have you ever been amped to get up? Or knew you had the get up that you slept lightly? I had to rise early to be in work by 8 for a training class plus also I am trying to condition myself to get up earlier so that Jorge Cruise can motivate me. So I was somewhat awake and groggy around 3:30. I thought it was 6:30. The lack of sunlight seemed normal for winter at that time.

I could’ve actually looked at my alarm clock, but I rushed to take a shower. I didn’t feel tired, but underneath the warm water I had a hunch that I didn’t sleep the full six hours I normally do.

I didn’t. My iPhone told me what the actual time was.

I pondered if I should go back to bed, stay awake and go to work around 5:30, or get breakfast. So I posted that notice about TCM running some fine movies, and went back to sleep shortly thereafter.

I didn’t miss getting up. The alarm sounded at the normal time.

National Pastime

You know, baseball is much better watched in the middle of the day.
Especially if that day is in the middle of the work week.The Baltimore Orioles always have a day game on Sunday, yet very few on
a weekday. They have the home opener March 31 at 3:00, then a few more
day games in May: Tampa Bay on the 1st, Boston on the 14th, and the
hated Yankees on the 26th. For the rest of the season, nada.It would seem to me to be better to have these day games in the summer
rather than the spring. You can sit in the hot sun hot dog in hand and
a cold, cold beer better in the summer than the spring. You never know
what the weather's going to be in May. In July, it's going to be sunny
and hot with scattered thunderstorms in the late afternoon. Perfect
weather, if the game starts at 1:05.That's what's wrong with baseball. No day games to escape from work
when needed.


Marge at the FishTank has apologized for dragging the Seed and me to this flick, but there’s really nothing to be apologetic about it. If she could get the other critics to issue a personal apology to me that would be awesome. Some of these critics raved about Amy Adams. I personally couldn’t care less. I was like the old hag wanting to push her down a well. http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=6959836


2 of 5 stars