Thanksgiving 2012

There are not many movies centered around the Thanksgiving holiday. I can only think of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Can you think of any other?

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

What should we be thankful for?

Most everything! Life is mostly beautiful even if it stinks at this time.

Everyone and everybody, have a safe and joyous thanksgiving!

Thank You Steve Jobs

I don't know what to say.You've made a fine company.Thank you.May the road rise with you on your next adventure.Best wishes.

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US.

I am thankful for:

Mom and Dad. An older and younger brother. Cousins as close as friends. The next generation nieces and nephews. La Familia de Rad. My faithful blog readers. Objective-C and C++. The GCC. Grep. A great text editor. The Apple Macintosh. Powerbooks, the new Mac Books, Pro and other wise. Beautiful girls. Blondes. Brunettes. Redheads. A pretty girl’s smile. Laughing with girls. Girls in glasses. Memories of a girl in glasses. The female body. Legs and a little t’n’a. Ghost stories. Being creeped out by ghost stories. Goosebumps. My bike. The wind in my face while on my bike. 15 mph. Uphills. Downhills. Snow in the winter. Cool autumn mornings. Hot summer days. Long winter nights. The Holidays. Charlie Brown and Snoopy. Calvin and Hobbes. Dub. Downtempo. Ska. Movies. Television. DVDs. Earth. Scandinavia. Iceland. The Blue Lagoon. Paris, France. Barcelona, Spain. Apples and oranges. Mangoes. Ice cream. Coffee. Pizza. Hot dogs. Days off from work. Vacation. The weekend.

Thanksgiving only comes along once a year, and it’s the time to spend with friends and family. I hope you have an enjoyable one. Eat turkey until you’re full, sleep it off, eat the left overs, and watch television.

And remember to be thankful for the things in your life.

Trip Toe Phan

Home from Thanksgiving with the fam. Full. Maybe I should go to the gym tomorrow. Maybe this weekend. Should I shop on black friday?