Swimming in the dark

Another dream about I. This one quickly escaping my memory.

We meet somehow. She needs a ride home. I take her there. It’s back to her parent’s house. On the drive, I think I ask about what happened. She lightly touches my hand on the stickshift as she says she wonders about that, too.

Her parents are at home. It’s hot and I ask about the pool out back with a desire to go swimming. I follow her up stairs as she goes to ask her parents. I catch a glimpse of her mom. I do not feel comfortable. We leave the room. As we walk down the hall then down the stairs, she gets closer and closer to me shoulder to shoulder.

Next thing I know we are in her father’s office, opening desk drawers for some hidden latch. She checks the bottom right, finds a switch and presses it. The bottom left opens from which she grabs some keys. We race outside.

The pool is an above ground pool. We get in. A young kid joins us. I assume that it is her younger brother, but it turns out to be a neighbor. We swim at night. Ever slowly, we come together. We play with the neighbor. His mom calls him home, and suddenly it is just I and me swimming in the dark.

I think we embrace. I feel flushed with emotions. Do we kiss? What happened to us? The last bit I remember is that her resting her head on my shoulders and pulling me closer.

That same old feeling

Because I like to catalogue these…I dreamt about S again last night or more like this morning in that half
awake twilight you’re in before you wake up. And like the other dreams
of her, it takes place at Ruby’s. I am back at work there. I can’t tell if I am the age I worked there or
if I am the age that I am now. It feels like now. I recall that I had
just come back. I am walking through the kitchen. S bursts through the doors behind me
in an exaggerated manner. I smile at her. She smiles back. She looks
the same: beautiful face, as tall as I am, brunette hair to her
shoulders, brown eyes, slightly slimmer in the backside. She wears her
hair with the bangs pinned back. We do the cheek-to-cheek air kiss.
“Long time no see.” We both realize we’re back working at Ruby’s. The
dinner crowd arrives.Later, I see her again more exasperated. Her hair is disheveled. I
walk her into the kitchen, arm on the small of her back. She doesn’t
like that. “We are not going into the supply room and hump.” I am
taken aback. What she said has stopped me in my tracks, and the icy
look she gives me as she continues on saddens me. “I have tables?” “What’s my section?” “Damn, I got cocktails.” For
the rest of the night I stay on the other side avoiding her. Then I woke up.Also, making a cameo appearance is SL. Tall blonde. Great boobs. Hot.
Hot. Hot. Like S, we do the cheek-to-cheek air kiss.