“Homeless, wino, history of evil… let’s just say he’s a fixer-upper.”

Link of the Day [9.15.09]Capitalism eats itself as well as its young, old and every one in between. It doesn't care about you. It doesn't care about your job or your house or your kids' schooling. It does what it does efficiently and ruthlessly. It's growth is unrelenting. It will make you happy for a while, but eventually it will make you sad. Don't say that there were no warning signs. Don't say that no one could've predicted. Someone can and did by just looking at how things work, extrapolating this to the future, and realizing it will destroy us.It is a cylce of destruction, and once we realize that we need to oversee this cycle to make it less destructive, we will realize that someone other than the Market should help.http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2009/09/13/why_capitalism_fails?mode=PF

Link of the Day [12.22.08]

Choices made by business leaders yesterday affects what is happening today. These leaders only see the present and the near future, but don’t imagine anything long term. They do craft business plans for that but honestly does it make sense that ten, fifteen, twenty years these plans all go exceedingly well? Probably not, so they innovate to make things work out. Yet, that innovation is only helpful for the present, and like a butterfly flapping its wings in China, you can never predict the repercussions of innovation will spread.

The pension plan was meant to ensure that the workers of a company was guaranteed a level of income well he retired. Health plans were also provided by the business leaders. These benefits to the worker were meant to stave of some form of social care and socialism by the government. It forced the business to be the ones granting workers benefits. The business leaders smiled because it weakened the worker’s leverage. They are now dependent on the benevolence of the business leader who can hire or fire your and provide the benefits.

Yet, these obligations are too generous, and the business leader doesn’t want to spend money on them. It makes them unprofitable.

Years ago, the Democratic president wanted to provide universal health care to the US. It was business leaders who didn’t want to push for it. “We will end up losing money to ne’er do wells who don’t work for us,” they reasoned. Now they are coming to the government because they can’t afford paying obligations that could’ve been ameliorated by universal health care. Couldn’t these business leaders foresee that the obligations would’ve been spread around to every business and that their costs would’ve come down? Could they not see that having the burden of paying health care costs is making them uncompetitive with foreign companies who have their workers subsidized by government providing benefits? Are these business leaders smart?


Wise words from a Nobel awardee

The ever shrill, Paul Krugman, takes the financial service industry to task eviscerating those jokers with a beautiful op-ed in the NY Times. This is awesome and sums up my feelings about the fraud perpetrated on the world that the market is run by smart people. They are only smart in that they make us all dumb for believing them. What a bunch of immoral, greedy bastards. The devil works there.

Link of the Day [12.18.08]

To watch Wall St. come crashing down is very fascinating. It makes you
angry and sick thinking about it all. The more you think about it, the
more "the market" seems to be a big scam. It's greed I tell you. There
is no higher goal within "the market." It's just to make money for
myself, and if you so happen to make money with me, then good for you,
but I can't care if you do or not.While I understand that "the market" gives us jobs and makes the world
churn, I hate it for how indescriminate it is. There is no hard work
there. It's plain luck and who-you-know that'll make you money. You
bring to "the market" your sense of morals and it will reward you with
what it sees fit. It's too bad that those who choose the life of
working "the market" are unscrupulous bastards.http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/

Link of the Day [12.10.08]

I don't believe in capitalism as preached by this country. I think the
markets are run by greedy people who only believe in the here-and-now
and not the long term future viability. And we follow them, because we
think they are smart. In reality, they are dumb and we are fools for
following them.Perhaps in the future, we will be less susceptible to the cons of the
financial industry.http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2009/01/stiglitz200901?printable=true

Link of the Day [11.14.08]

Greed kills.

This article is pretty much a damnation of the wizards on Wall Street. They don’t know what they’re selling. We don’t know what we’re buying. We’re all dead in the long run.

I remember my one and only business class during my grad school studies. It was a class about ethics in business and it was filled with nothing but finance folks. They took the view that the bottom line was the first thing that mattered for a business. They didn’t out right ignore the need for ethical entrepeneurship, but they didn’t think that it was worthwhile. I took this class at the end of 2007. I wonder what happened to their world view.
