20 Years of Richest

I remember sliding the CD into my car’s CD player and absolutely falling in love with the songs on this disc. I had just made the turn from Borders in Timonium onto York Road heading for the beltway. At night and the orange glow from the sodium halide lights just contributing to the atmosphere of the opening song, Heaven’s Gonna Burn Your Eyes. For the next month or so, it was always playing. I figure that it was my favorite album for the longest time. The remix album came out the next year with my favorite version of Resolution. I believe I have mentioned that I would love this album to be playing at my wake.

Give it a listen. Thievery Corporation’s Richest Man in Babylon.


We are done. The album ends on my favorite tune. You should hear the remix. Thievery did release a remix of some of the songs on this album. Get it as well. Or maybe that will be the next album for a fusillade of music.

Until The Morning Comes

One thing about digital delivery of music: no liner notes. There’s nothing to read to figure out who the singer was, who wrote the song, or where they sampled the loop. Nothing. Like for this song, who’s singing? Is it the same girl from the opening tune? Or is it a whole different person? I would like to know and I am too lazy to check it out on the CD or duckduckgo it.

The State of the Union

We’re almost done. I hope you’ve been enjoying the morning music break. I like that you’ve shared in my favorite album. Thanks for listening. We just have a couple of songs to good. Stay tuned. We’re just getting to the good stuff.

Liberation Front

I came up with this game that I used to play with Margaux (Or maybe I didn’t play this game with her, but I did come up with a game). It was centered around bands, their discography, and your own knowledge of. You were to think of a band and focus on their songs. Once you focused on a band, you would say, “You know {insert band name here}. No, their other song.” That should conjure up which song you’re talking about amongst the players. Most of the time you know which song is being thought about, but other times, depending on the band, it becomes difficult.

I came up with this game because of Cold Play. “You know Cold Play. No, their other song.” I bet you now know which song I am talking about.

The Richest Man In Babylon

We turn the corner and get to the home stretch of the album, several songs that are some of Thievery Corporations best. It starts with the title track, The Richest Man in Babylon. Once here, the album moves to its great conclusion. Stick around, it’ll only get better.

From Creation

I’m left to wonder how close these songs ripped an posted to YouTube are to the one on the original CD. This version sounds slightly sped up. A check on iTunes finds it 6 seconds shorter. Now I wonder if all the other tunes from this album have been altered from the original. That’s okay. As long as it moves your soul I’ll take it. Good music is good music.

Exilio (Exile)

We’re onto the part of the album which I call the fly by states. Sometimes I listen to the songs. Sometimes I don’t. When I let the iPod play, when they come on, I won’t skip ahead. Yet, they all sound the same. Like I said previous, there’s a lot of latin rhythms on this album.

Meu Destino

Liking Thievery Corporation means you have to like world music. You’ll be hearing lots of Brazilian rhythms. You’ll be hearing it a lot.

Un Simple Histoire (A Simple History)

The death of Flash can’t happen soon enough, but you’re still stuck with it. In fact, if you’re viewing this page, Flash is probably killing your browser.

For that, I apologize.

It’s because of me not you. I’m not writing enough posts to fill the gaps between the morning music break. I know that I wanted to write more at least a post a day in December. Except the posts all relate to that Thievery Corporation release from 2002. (Whoa! I thought it was 2003 release.) I was gonna put some filler in between, but I don’t want filler. I want well written posts on subjects that are worth writing about. Plus, link or quotes of the day. Yet, all I got are static YouTube videos of the cover to The Richest Man in Babylon.

What should I write?