All That We Perceive

If I ever expected you to have heard any songs on this album, I would expect it to be this tune, “All That We Perceive.” I think they had it on heavy rotation in any Apple Store back in the mid aughts. Back when the iTunes was first released. You could’ve found Thievery Corporation all over that iTunes version. They were the iTunes darling back then.

Now let me admit right here, for the longest time I couldn’t stand to hear this tune. It being popular (in my mind) rubbed me the wrong way. This is my band. Why should you listen to them if you’ve never heard of them before? Defensive much? Yeah, I was a while ago, but not anymore.

You’ve got to listen to this tune. Listen to this album. Listen to this band. They freaking rock!

Of course you’ll be hearing this band for another week. I’m short of half way through the album. And after hearing that, maybe you’ll feel apprehensive to hear another Thievery Corporation song. We still haven’t gotten to my favorite song.

Omid (Hope)

Continuing on from yesterday’s music break, here’s the second part of the tune. It’s not the second part but they both flow very well together. Every time I hear this song, I hear the first verse as asking, “Whose bagel’s offer hope?” Now why are they singing about bagels? Is this some kind of hidden message, but said aloud? I bet you that ain’t the real lyrics. Someone, anyone, get on this and tell me what that lyric was.


Short but sweet. I always thought that this song and its successor on the album were one tune. Perhaps I should just put both of them in this post.

Facing East

Not really too fond of the second song from the Thievery Corporation’s Richest Man in Babylon album, but since it’s the second on the disc, it’ll have to do for now. This cut is somewhat reminiscent of their big hit, Lebanese Blonde, from the previous album. Mid-eastern inflections. Sitar. Wailing woman. It’s in there.

I usually skip this track and go on to the next one. I won’t blame you if you don’t play it. It’ll break your streak, if you do, but its your bandwidth.

Heaven’s Gonna Burn Your Eyes

I just love this album. I remembering picking this up at Borders, quickly unpacking it out of its plastic wrap, and sliding it into the CD player of the Jetta for the drive home. I remember taking York Road south to the 695 on ramp as the opening of this song was playing and then it kicks in…


Yeah. One of my favorite albums. I’m thinking about playing it at my funeral its that good.

This track was once one of the most played on my iTunes before I started ripping CDs and purchasing songs from the store. One things that always bothered me though is the circle has been turned into an oval with the album art downloaded from the iTunes music store. O, well, at least the remix album its a perfect circle.