Prime System Integrators

This slate article, I believe, is wrong. No matter how much you believe in the US form of government, don’t believe them.

To account for this difference, the three SM-3’s needed new software, hardware, and sensors, and the launching systems had to be given new sensors and software updates. The bulk of this task would have been assigned to high-priced contractors—like Raytheon, the maker of the missile, or Lockheed Martin, maker of the Aegis system. And it would have taken a large crew of engineers to rewrite the code, debug it, and test it over and over again—all within three weeks.

I don’t believe this one bit. I don’t believe that each of these programs, the SM-3 missile or Aegis, would put anything on their ship in 3 weeks. Maybe, to discuss the need to make the changes, but not to create, debug, integrate and install that stuff. It’s as if you had to write your PhD thesis in the last week of your program, and then present it to the board immediately after.

Three weeks is not enough time.

Here’s a better explanation.

Last year, China shoots down a satellite. From here on out with the ballistic missile defense is now geared to shooting down a satellite ourselves. So its one year from the changes to now. A much better timeline for how the navy and its defense contractors work.

Those changes were available last year. It took them three weeks to figure out what to shoot down.

Trust no one.

The truth is out there.

Baby, Baby, Please.

Dear Dana,

Where have you been these last 10 years? What have you been doing? Have you settled down with that guy with the awfully fake first name, whats-his-face, Renard Muldrake?

Is the kid doing alright? He’s still on planet earth and not snatched up by aliens? Or the syndicate? Or our own government?

Are you still working in the FBI? Or have you gone private practice? Become your own agent now, have you?

One thing, don’t ever leave me. I’m sorry for being forgetful. The truth is out there. I’ll be there for you. To fight the future. I want to believe. Just don’t leave me again. Please.


The Untitled X-Files Sequel released some photos from which I got the one above. Thanks god, Scully’s back

“Her name’s Bambi?”

While searching for links to the previous post, I had come across this bit of greatness. I wanted to use it, but it didn’t fit the tone of that post.

Here it is now.

My favorite episode. My favorite character, evah! One of these days. I plan to watch every episode of The X-Files that I have on DVD and maybe comment on it. One of these days.

Or perhaps October can be The X-Files quote month. Erm. Probably not as it’s already a chore for NewsRadio Quote Month.

Mmmmm, Scully.

Mulder has a blog

David Duchovny is blogging while directing a film. I haven’t read anything, but the man married to Tia Leone and having Scully as his work wife gets big props in my book.