20 Years of Richest

I remember sliding the CD into my car’s CD player and absolutely falling in love with the songs on this disc. I had just made the turn from Borders in Timonium onto York Road heading for the beltway. At night and the orange glow from the sodium halide lights just contributing to the atmosphere of the opening song, Heaven’s Gonna Burn Your Eyes. For the next month or so, it was always playing. I figure that it was my favorite album for the longest time. The remix album came out the next year with my favorite version of Resolution. I believe I have mentioned that I would love this album to be playing at my wake.

Give it a listen. Thievery Corporation’s Richest Man in Babylon.

Bookstore Haul II: Volume 6 — Immédiatement

What I haven’t told you about my bookstore visits is that usually I am buying a white mocha from the cafe there. So every time I go, I am filling up on 400 calories of sugary goodness. I should stop going to the bookstore. I should stop ordering white mochas. This I should do to help me on my resolutions. So far I haven’t done that.

The Temple of I & I Thievery Corporation.
Monocle Volume 10 Issue 100

At The End There’s A New Album

Thievery Corporation came into their own with the ascendancy of W. Maybe we’ll get more good music with the dumb Republican elect. Fuck that guy. But we need some more good music. Let’s listen and think.

Lebanese Blonde

You wouldn’t think I would let a month of music breaks go by without a song from my favorite band, Thievery Corporation? Of course not! Here’s their most famous tune found on the soundtrack to that Zach Braff film, Garden State. I nodded my head when this came on and was joyous just to hear them. Of course, I didn’t have the album (The Mirror Conspiracy) at the time. I’ve since rectified that. I’m still trying to get their latest. It’s not in any stores I have been to and probably has to be ordered through Amazon. This is a reminder to do just that.

Resolution [Rewound]

Are you planning on any? I’m not except for the weight loss thing and getting healthier. That’s it. Or perhaps learning a language in programming or in speaking. Nothing revolutionary just evolutionary.

Straight Dub

Can you name the Thievery Corporation tune being covered? I’m calling it: The Outernationalist from their most excellent Richest Man In Babylon album. Am I right?

Pools of Love

Wait. This is the real LouLou singing an acoustic version of Thievery Corporation’s Sweet Tides?

Hell yes. So pretty – a very pretty version.

The chord progression is simple. The original poster puts it as A, G, D sus 4. Simple. Three chords. I’m gonna go get my guitar and figure that out.

Anyone know the lyrics?


We are done. The album ends on my favorite tune. You should hear the remix. Thievery did release a remix of some of the songs on this album. Get it as well. Or maybe that will be the next album for a fusillade of music.

Until The Morning Comes

One thing about digital delivery of music: no liner notes. There’s nothing to read to figure out who the singer was, who wrote the song, or where they sampled the loop. Nothing. Like for this song, who’s singing? Is it the same girl from the opening tune? Or is it a whole different person? I would like to know and I am too lazy to check it out on the CD or duckduckgo it.