Facing East

Not really too fond of the second song from the Thievery Corporation’s Richest Man in Babylon album, but since it’s the second on the disc, it’ll have to do for now. This cut is somewhat reminiscent of their big hit, Lebanese Blonde, from the previous album. Mid-eastern inflections. Sitar. Wailing woman. It’s in there.

I usually skip this track and go on to the next one. I won’t blame you if you don’t play it. It’ll break your streak, if you do, but its your bandwidth.

Heaven’s Gonna Burn Your Eyes

I just love this album. I remembering picking this up at Borders, quickly unpacking it out of its plastic wrap, and sliding it into the CD player of the Jetta for the drive home. I remember taking York Road south to the 695 on ramp as the opening of this song was playing and then it kicks in…


Yeah. One of my favorite albums. I’m thinking about playing it at my funeral its that good.

This track was once one of the most played on my iTunes before I started ripping CDs and purchasing songs from the store. One things that always bothered me though is the circle has been turned into an oval with the album art downloaded from the iTunes music store. O, well, at least the remix album its a perfect circle.

First and Last CDs

Picking up a meme from CapitolSwell I had to go deep into the recesses of my mind to remember both the first and the last. The first, because it was so long ago. The last, because I don’t remember buying CDs anymore.

First: The Beastie Boys, License to Ill
Last: Thievery Corporation, Radio Retaliation


In the mid-90s, I fell in love with dub music. It stemmed from my fascination with instrumental music. I guess it came from trying to play surf music on my guitar. Listening to The Ventures lead me to listening to Friends of Dean Martinez. Then it was onto Thievery Corporation. Loved them when I bought their first album on a whim because of the cover. The opening song is a dub like tune. Listening to it made me get into it. I don’t have a lot of dub albums, but I can’t get enough of it. I don’t know why. It probably has to do with the reverb drenched sound, the beats and the bass.

Latest CDs bought

I was in Barnes and Noble earlier this evevning and picked up The Cardigans, Gran Tourismo and Thievery Corporation, The Outernational Sounds. The former sounds great and I love Erase/Rewind. The latter seems to be another of there remix albums; not there original stuff. Both are going to get a lot of listening.