The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk did boffo box office numbers, but yet it still wasn’t that good.

While Hulk is bigger and badder, it played well for fan boys. They had some tv show stuff. They had some marvel stuff. They even had the leader. I want more big forehead dude in my movies.

What it didn’t have was a purpose. Was it a resetting of the Hulk franchise? Or was it another spandex hero movie? I don’t know, but it was always moving forward. It hit the ground running. I thought the opening montage was extended throughout the movie. No need for a plot. Hulk just goes.

2 of 5 stars.

InternetExplorer 7 is ugly

At work, I upgraded to the latest Micrsoft browser for the tabbed browsing. I must say using it daily that it is the worst looking piece of software I am unfortunately using.

The tabs don’t look right. They’re flush against the content of the browser box. They don’t stand out enough to tell which tab you’re browsing.

What’s with the swap of the application menus and the location bar? Is that a Vista thing and is that pretty retarded?

What’s with that toolbar for home, print and rss field? It looks lonely out there like its waiting to be used in an Office toolbar.

Why are the back buttons round, but the refresh and stop buttons square?

What is wrong with the people in Redmond? Is this the best they can do?

Quote of the Day [6.02.08]

“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

Mother Teresa


Thank you to my friends and family for the well wishes that I received on Saturday. Grad school, while boring, was fun and challenging at times like so many other endeavors we choose to attempts. And getting the congratulations from you all made it all the better. I really appreciated the cake as well.

I wasn’t going to go to the ceremony, but once there on the floor, I thought to myself that I was glad I did. (And not just the girls) It was surprisingly awesome to be out there, then onto the dais for the ceremonial handshake.


Quote of the Day [5.04.08]

“Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism – how passionately I hate them!”

Albert Einstein

This isn’t subtitled

Doing a daily post whether it be link or quote of the day makes posting an actual item even more urgent. I don’t want my “latest post” list cluttered with those lame titles. And they are lame. So I have to post something worthwhile. That hopefully some one will comment on.

Anyway, I’ve been watching some anime lately, and I must admit to not minding the English dub.


Those anime-maniacs would be yelling blasphemy right now. They’ll say that the English voice actors could not match the original japanese seiyuu. But they’re too clannish and can be wrong at times.

I do eventually watch the anime I own over again with the original language and subtitles, but I like to watch the shows first in English to actually watch the anime. I don’t want to be busy reading and not taking in the animation. Or seeing what is being shown on screen. If you’re too busy reading sometimes you miss things.

The English dub is also good for multi-taskin while watching the anime. I can listen to the story while surfing the net or doing something else. When I watch in the original japanese, I have to either pause or rewind to get the gist of the present scene.

The recent anime I have seen have the English voice actors try to capture the original tone and performance their japanese counter part. I say they have done a good job for the most part. They’ve been matching tone and delivery very well.

One thing though, I find that I watch the anime that are television series or 30 minutes or less in the English dub first. Any movie anime, I watch in the original language. I wonder why is that? Perhaps, I like to think that the movie anime is more artful than a tv series.

Of course, I guess I’ll have to learn japanese so that I can not worry about all this. Yeah, right!

Not delish

Currently watching Rachael Ray make some kind of shrimp scampi dish. She doesn’t sound so good. She doesn’t look to good. What happened to the energetic girl we know and love?

She’s burning out.