School Rumble

Watching School Rumble reminds me of the NewsRadio quote, “Because I’m neither Japanese, 14 years old, or a girl.” Bill says this to Matthew thanking him for the Hello Kitty! school bag in his own acidic way. I am not Japanese, or 14 years, and I’m not a girl, but School Rumble is fun in a way that makes me feel like that. I’ve got the first two DVDs and am now eager to see the rest.

If my ramblings do convince you to watch it, catch a few episodes here.

What’s on Page 123?

Found on Crooked Tmber. And because I haven’t posted in a while. Let me do this meme. You can too.

1. Grab the nearest book (that is at least 123 pages long).
2. Open to p. 123.
3. Go down to the 5th sentence.
4. Type in the following 3 sentences.
5. Tag five people.

What books do I have on hand? The absolute nearest to me is The Saga of the Icelanders by some really old Icelanders, I guess. Page 123 is in the middle of Egil’s Saga.

“Then he spoke a verse:

I could not stand the ugly
land-claimer’s wrath;
no cuckoo will alight knowing
that the squawking eagle prowls.
There, as before, I benefited
from the bear of the hearth-seat.
No one need give up who boasts
such a loyal helper on his travels.”

That’s more than 3 sentences, but it I can’t really tell what 3 sentences are when most of it is in verse. Yikes! Those darn sagas.

Your turn whomever you are.

Updating Movie Queues

Every year for Oscar month, TCM hosts “31 Days of Oscars.” They show many films each one a recipient of an Academy Award nomination.

It sounds like lots of good movies, but in practice not so much. There’s plenty of head scratchers out there. Check the list. It’ll make you wonder how did this get nominated. That tradition lives on til today.

There’s still plenty of gems to choose from though. If you’ve got the time, catch a few. Or at least set your Tivo.

January Miscellaneous

First homework assignment for CS712 Web Application Development with Java Servlets and Java server pages. This is interactive for anyone and everyone to test. Or maybe not depending upon the traffic the server at school gets. I wonder if they’ll shut it down?

Tour de Cure on June 7, 2008 around Columbia/Sykesville. Is it hilly there?

Kona Paddy Wagon is coming up soon. I got to get me a single speed for tooling around the NCR.

BBC Cue Sheet Library take a look at some of the rides in Baltimore County. The ones going from Franklin are intriguing.

Ono Coffee is a stranger in a strange land. Eating, drinking, being merry.

The one Barbara Stanwyck film I am dieing to see. It’s also a Preston Sturges penned film. How come TCM didn’t show it this year? Here’s where you can catch the trailer?

My own album

CD Cover Memes Pool on Flickr is pretty cool. I like it, but it’s tough to get a picture to use. Check the creative commons stuff.

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. ???

5. Profit

Try this link to get a usable flick via the creative commons license.