
Hoy! I missed the airing of grievances last night. On my couch at 10; fast asleep by five after… zzz… zzz…


Festivus is over!?

Not yet!

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, et al. … for the crap that is the patent wars in the mobile devices arena

Android… for being so lame

Android handset phone makers… for not doing software updates

Windows… for being Windows

Flash… for not dead yet

Senior leadership… for their ignorance

Program leadership… for their smoke up the ass blowing

Self… for sticking around for this shit


What is mistletoe? I have no idea except that it is a plant that we use as an excuse to kiss a girl during Yule. I haven't had the excuse to use it. Yet. There should be plenty time for that.Baldur was having troubling dreams. He dreamt of his death. It worried him so that he consulted his mom about it. His mom had the same dream. Baldur's mom, the goddess Frigg, was disturbed by them for it was said that with the death of Baldur, Ragnarok, the end of the gods, would soon come. She vowed to do something to prevent it.So Frigg visit all nine realms under the tree Yggdrasill. She went to extract promises from all the creatures, plants, and living things to do no harm to Baldur. She scoured the realms from high to low and received the promises from all things.In Midgard, in the deepest forests of the north she came upon the mistletoe. As she looked upon the small plant, whose small leaves she figured it was too innocent and benign to harm anyone. Its immaturity garnered pity from Frigg. She figured that she can't subject such a young and innocent plant to the burden of the promise, so she did not extract a promise from it.Thus with oaths from creatures and plants big and small did the gods of Asgard believe that Baldur was safe from harm. Most of them tested this theory by attempting to hurt Baldur. They would hurl spears at him or swing at him with swords, but nothing would touch him. They believed Baldur to be safe and Ragnarok far from coming.Loki heard about the dreams that troubled Baldur. He talked to Baldur about it. He talked with Frigg about it. He learned of the mistletoe, the plant so small and harmless but without the oath of harm to Baldur. Loki went in search of it and found in the deep northern forests of Midgard the sprig of mistletoe. He hastened back to Asgard with it.Loki returned as the gods played at sport with the untouchable Baldur. They were arrayed around Baldur taking turns throwing things at the god trying to harm him. On the outskirts sat the blind Hodir. Loki crept up to him. "Why don't you take part in such sport, Hodir?""My blindness keeps me from joining in.""Then let me help you. Use this bow and arrow to try and hit Baldur."Loki points Hodir in the direction of Baldur, places the bow in his hands, and guides Hodir's aim with the mistletoe arrow. Hodir releases the bow.Gasps arise as the mistletoe arrow hits Baldur who succumbs to the injury. So came to pass the truth in his dreams. And soon Ragnarok.

2B Jolly

Though I have lost my religion I am thinking about celebrating the twelve days of Christmas and/or the Epiphany. I’m thinking about a twelve day blogathon starting on Christmas day and ending on the fifth of January, Twelfth Night. Then having some fun on the following day to celebrate, as the Irish call, Little Christmas.

We’ll have fun. We’ll have a blogathon. We’ll write up a post a day about some movie or television show that relates to Christmas or has a holiday theme to it. I’m not sure what to focus on, but I want to write about how the holiday is found in the media. And perhaps a few things about how it affected me.

So join me, if at least for a day or a post, to celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas Multimedia Blogathon.

Link of the Day [12.04.11]

I’ve always wanted to do try a series of posts related to holiday themed television shows. The AVClub has beat me to it. I seem to link to the AVClub every so often especially to their series of posts centered around a topic. This one is called the AVClub Advent Calendar highlighting holiday episodes of television shows. I had to post about this because the latest one features Northern Exposure, a beloved favorite of mine. If NewsRadio is my all time favorite comedy, Norther Exposure is my all time favorite dramady. The X-Files? It’s my all time favorite paranoia show.

If I was to do a series of holiday shows, I know I would be diving into Northern Exposure’s list of episodes. I want a girl who can appreciate the melancholia in this show.


Nendoroid Melissa Seraphy

Queen Melissa wishes you a safe and happy Halloween!

Question of the Day [2.17.11]

Maybe I should re-sync iPhone and change out all that holiday music and the holiday playlists. Do you still have your Christmas lights up?

In the Year 2011

Welcome to the New Year! I resolve to… Nah never mind because it never works out.

Happy New Year!