Bookstore Haul: Volume XII — いただきます

I wander into the bookstore usually without a care in the world. It’s a place that I find myself because I can’t stand being home by myself with nothing doing. Let me go to the bookstore to find myself with nothing doing. OCD. It is what it is. Ritual. It is a hard habit to break. Because I will buy a book. Almost all books are tempting. I found this book in the food essay corner. It looks more like another travelogue of Japan. I need to get there one day.


Super Sushi Ramen Express: One Family’s Journey Through the Belly of Japan by Michael Booth

“Judge Reinhold is not a member of the Brat Pack.”

Bookstore Haul: Volume X Marks the Spot!

There is an itch that needs scratching: travel to Japan. To begin scratching, I am learning Japanese. I should’ve done this many years ago when I was full on into anime and manga. I’ve picked up a few books over the years, but my learning has only begun in earnest this year, because of the beautiful members of Nogizaka46 or in kanji, 乃木坂46. Their videos are being pulled from lots of the video aggregation sites that housed hundreds of episodes of their variety programs. The subbed versions of said programs are disappearing quicker. Now you only find their videos on YouTube untranslated and in miniature. I am trying to learn as quickly as possible so as to understand the members. The 3rd gen is there I need to meet them.

Anyhow, I went and got a couple things this time: a map of Japan and a book on the history of the Philippines. Aye, the Philippines my motherland which seems to have taken a back seat to Japan.

Maybe once I get done with the current book I am reading I will get to these. I haven’t read a page of the current book I am reading in 12 days…

Travel map of Japan from International Travel Map & Books.
A History of the Philippines: From Indios Bravos to Filipinos by Luis H. Francia

España 2007: Finale

Burgers at VIP Tio Pepe Exiting Hotel Alicia

Aug 18, 2007

12:40 Hotel Alicia
Ate at VIPS. Hamburger. Was really in the mood for some sort of rice dish. Walked around to the plaza del sol and back. Met a filippino. He talked about the cars have bumps on them because of parking. As long as the bumper doesn’t fall off. You’re fine.

Morning. It’s quiet. It seems no one’s awake. Got to go. Adiós, Madrid

España 2007: Madrid

These are cool rooms blurred Plaza de Santa Ana Yglesias Que es? Tourism in Madrid

Aug 17, 2007

12:45 Madrid – Hotel Alicia
What am I doing in my room? I should be out partying. Now. Got into Madrid about 2:30 yesterday. Ate some donuts on the road. Got told to fuck off by Walter because of driving en España. Had some tapas on the square. Ate dinner at 10:30 at Muséo dé Jamon. This hotel is too vogue-ish.

9:10 Hotel Alicia
Toured Madrid all day. Went to the Prado. Saw just about everything again. Went to Rénia Sofia. Saw Miro, Picasso, Guarnica, Tired. Bought tchotkes. I’m out of cash. Only have €5.30.

España 2007: Adios to Costa Blanca

Missed Arroces Bags packed Closing up Villa Ellicott Hasta pronto Monte Pego

Aug. 16, 2007

12:17 Villa Ellicott
This countries 11:00pm news begins @ 1am. Just packing. Ate at Buena Vista Restaurante. No paella. It had to be preordered which we didn’t know. Bummer. The waitress was tres linda. Brunette, tall, and glasses. The meal was okay. I got the fish baked in salt. It wasn’t served in it. Bummer.

Adios, Villa Ellicott. Muchas gracias for all the fun. Voya con dios. Mira en 15 anos.

Pardon the bad spanish. I really don’t know what I am writing. It was morning and I faced a long drive. No thanks to CapitolSwell.

España 2007: Assumption

CAM for money Skoda on the road Menus Spanish Serenade El torre de castille

Aug 15, 2007

4:35 Villa Ellicott
Went to fix up the water bill this morning. La oficina est cerrado. You know it is the feast of the assumption. It’s a national holiday. The stores are all closed. In America, every store would be open w/a sale. We need to eliminate the separation of church and state so we can also have more holidays.

Walked La Via again in Denia. Tried to get to the castillo. Hoodlums were guarding the gate.

España 2007: Ice cream on the beach

Full House Aces and Fours Calpe y Pinyon d'ifache Lunch Menu Ombra for mom Horchaterria

Aug 14, 2007

Done playing Texas Hold’em. Busted out on nothing. Zack takes it all w/a full house A’s and 10’s. Went to Denia early in the evening w/mom and got some ice cream. It was a nice walk on the promenade. Saw a Spanish episode of The Simpsons. Krusty the Klown’s theme park.

7:53 Villa Ellicott
Went finally to Calpe. Swam on the beach for an hour. Then got up and had helado. Ate lunch before swimming w/hamburgeusa con patatas.

Been to Mas y Mas again. Spent more time there than anywhere. Bought ceramic plate and an ashtray.

España 2007: A day lost

Wake up, sleepy heads! Basement door The day at home Villas in the evening Denia la via

Aug 13, 2007

1:00 Villa Ellicott
Days consist of the same. I wake up earlier than everyone. Wait for them to get up at noon. Eat lunch. Then wait to go wherever. Read my book.

The waiting took the form of staying. Walter had some kind of ailment and didn’t allow us to go to Calpe. He was dizzy and mom blamed it on hypertension. So we stayed and Bernard took them to a hike on the Pinyon d-ifache. That dude sucks. Always taking his good old time. I hate waiting for them.

I wanted to get out of the house. Mostly to see Calpe which is a neat beach. What happened, Walt?

España 2007: Rainout

Cheers Flattened perspective of a villa Ombra The rain in spain stays mainly on the plain Chinese Restaurant in Pego Shrimp Chips!

Aug 12, 2007

7:45 Villa Ellicott
Tossed and turned all night. It’s pretty warm in the house. I got up early and went for a morning constitution around back towards Rafol. I woke up some sleeping dogs.

Yesterday, I left my hat at the Monte Pego restaurant. That’s one thing wrong with bringing a hat. We also got worried about Bernardo and family who didn’t turn up until 2:00 AM. They’re real spaniards now.

Showered outside!! First time in days. Fanta for breakfast. It’s got 80% zumo.

Done some swimming in the pool. Drunk some San Miguel. Waiting for the kids to get up. Domingo en España. Let’s do something. Earlier we got some cafe con leche at the Buena Vista apartments. There’s free wi-fi so we have to go back sas not to kill our cell phone bill.

9:09 Villa Ellicott
Back from a big disappointing day. First to la cueva de calvera, “the cave of skulls,” in Bendrilieg. Another English lady bartending. There we watched the rain come in. And it rained. Rained out our excursion to Ondara for the toreros. No bullfighting. Dang. Ate in Pego at the chinese restaurant. We have lots of leftovers.

Usually, the bullfight in Ondara is the best thing about visiting the villa. You watch minor league torreadors fighting the bull. You hope to see a pretty girl on a horse, too. Yet, it rained a thunderstorm with hail. Frightening. And the bullfight was called due to a rain out. So we settled for chines food. According to the couple that takes care of our villa, it’s the best in the area. These dudes are british. I doubt they have a sensible palate. I’ll let CapitolSwell write up a review. We had the eight course meal for eight people. Big mistake. Should’ve had the six course for six people. I could’ve done without some of the dishes. I just wanted the sweet and sour pork.

España 2007: Sabado

Avenida de Pego Paella in 15 minutes Mont Go from Xabia Building Sandcastles IV

Aug 11, 2007

1:00 Villa Ellicott
Went to the mercardo for some food stuff. How do you say, “A quarter kilo?” Drinking Fanta and San Miguel. We should be moving, up and about, but people are still asleep.

8:05 Playa de les Marines
Sitting on the beach after swimming for the afternoon. Drove to Javea earlier through a winding road. It looked like a fun bike ride. Went to the boardwalk there. It was English. Ate at the English Chili’s. Served by an English waitress. Had fake calimaris. Walt at fake shrimp in garlic sauce. Mom had Paella Valencia w/o seafood. Now we’re back near Denia. Parked in a back alley. How do we get out?

“Uno quatro kilo, por favor.” I think.