Big Nerd Ranch: Day 4

Finally, I discussed my program with Aaron. Not as bad as I thought. Basically, he explained that I should have delegate of the NSTextView handle changes to NSAttributedString. How this may work is very confusing to me. I guess I’ll have to start pushing the bits. Hopefully this will be working out very well. Soon. If I just only…

Anyway class is winding down and my mind is basically full of Cocoa goodness. Full to the brim. Today we did some OpenGL and more CoreData. I hate both of these. OpenGLis just plain confusing, and CoreData has not too much programming. CoreData looks to be there version of CORBA.

There has been a lot to learn. Frameworks are always so hard to pick up because of the depth and breadth of them. I program in C++ without any crutch like a framework, but that is the way we are going. Away from the raw and onto something more plastic and man made. It takes real programmers to create a framework. OS X has plenty. Even though it’s summed up in Cocoa. there is a great deal to learn. Printing, graphics, sound, widgets. There’s a lot to it. Frameworks is the next thing. This is the first chance I have gotten with one. It’s been fun, but somewhat intimidating.

Also, staying here are a group of journalists taking a “Hostile environment” survival course. Most of the journalists are from CBC (Canada), CNN, NPR (?!) and are on there way to many hot spots of the world. We pass each other at meal times. They call us nerds. It’s funny. We almost had a rumble: they wanted to challenge us to a volleyball game. We may have done it if it was virtual volleyball, but the game neveer came to be. It was stupid. I think we just wanted there chicks. The one from CNN was kind of cute (on air personality I think name of Jace something?).

Turns out Aaron is also a fellow Cane. He was there for a couple of years left when I got there and stayed in the same residential colleg as me. Rather interesting.

Tomorrow we wind down. I really need to get things working on my program.


Big Nerd Ranch: Day 3

Hump day and the time here is getting short. We’ve so far covered another seven chapters in the book plus and additional CoreData chapter that Aaron has put together. A lot of it today being keyboard input, mouse events, and custom views. Unfortunately, my application is not coming along as I don’t have the heart to dive into the TextStorageLayer or discern the intricacies of NSTextContainers. I really wanted to learn the design of a GUI application, but I don’t feel that I have gotten it so far. Do you put objects in their proper place through code or through design? I feel that writing an application like the way we’ve been learning will result in a massive re-write or re-factoring for a 2.0 version. This is a mystery. I need it solved.

Also, on the daily hike, we enjoyed a nice dip in the river out back. We froliced in the shallows enjoying the cool cascade of water after the hike. On each daily hike the mass of Big Nerds has been dwindling. Today, with the announcement of a swim after the hike, we had a wholesale bailout of about a almost half of our numbers, and even then it was only six of us who braved the river. I like doing these things. Swimming in a local place is always much fun. It feels like I had been there. There are no pictures because the batteries of my camera died.

I have finished “Spin.” It has been a very good read. I hadn’t read science fiction in a long time, but this book is as thrilling as any of the classics. It was a Hugo Award finalist. I’ll lend it to you when I get back.


Big Nerd Ranch: Day 2

Another day. Another byte in the program. We’ve so far gone through another 5 chapters of Aaron’s book. Will we get to the finish in time? There are another 20 or so chapters left and I haven’t gotten to the last few during the time I tried his book. If we don’t, I think I will be somewhat disappointed.

My fellow classmates are an interesting bunch. They are a geekiness that I did not know existed. They are a more worldly geek. They know lots of differing programming paradigms, because they come from various industries and worked on many different projects throughout there work. But it is a beautiful sight to see all these Macs pounding out code.

My TiBook is the grandfather in the place. Besides the ancient cube running as a server and a few of the Big Nerd Ranch’s iMacs, everyone has a more recent Apple computer. Several Mac Book Pros are in the crowd. There rest are AlBooks. I even think that some of the iMacs are recent. Needless to say my compile time is definitely slower than the rest.

I did work on my project. It’s not going so well. I have read some of his code, but I am still stuck on the design of a GUI program. My first attempt at it I hated. This time I am starting from the data structures up. GUI and desktop applications are a strange beast. You seem to be constrained by the layouut and functionality inherent in your GUI. It is what it is and it drives how the program can work.

One of the reasons for a programming vacation was to learn more about GUI and desktop application design. I feel that I have not yet reached that point. I had broached that subject with Aaron and he did bring it up in class (“start with the windows”), but it all seems wrong. I am trained as a software engineer. I don’t think I can get the hang of this very well. Let’s see about today.

We’ve been introduced to CoreData. It’s rather neat. We first built up an application without CoreData. It used some bindings and NSArrayControllers but it took some time to code. The CoreData version started off with a model. Using ER notation we modeled the data of our application. Then we dragged and dropped our entity onto a window and voila, our application was done. Compile and link and it had the same functionality as our previous version.

We hiked in the woods again, but this time the humidity was down so it was not so bad. Again, I must complain about how out of shape I am. I feel this activity in my legs. Food was good today. Steak for dinner.

I am almost done reading “Spin.” I should’ve brought another book. I had one at home but feared that I wouldn’t get through this one. How wrong I was.


Big Nerd Ranch: Day 1

Up early for a vacation: 7:00 AM. I am so ready to do some programming. Breakfast was adequate. It’s sausage, eggs, bacon, grits and a biscuit. Is grits a southern thing. It’s not bad. It’s edible.

Then it’s off to start the programming. For those playing along, we did the first five chapters of Aaron’s Cocoa Programming book. I’ve already did it, but the code is on my mini at home, so I miss all my programming tricks to do. I like Cocoa. Anyway the class so far has been an introduction to Cocoa. It’s just what you can do with the tools and the framework. I have some experience.

I also asked Aaron about my application. He tells me it may be over my head. Whatever. How hard is programming? Not really hard. You just have to know how things are put together.

We also get food and lodging. The food so far is okay. Everything tastes good. The deserts though are awesome. I thought that I would lose some weight while I was here, but I am eating a lot and drinking plenty of soda. The accomodations are cool. It’s at Banning Mills, a restored paper mill. I keep thinking that there are ghosts around here. It gets dark in the room, and some noises creep me out. I wonder if the ghosts will ever come around.

We also went for a hike. I am out of shape as I felt it going up a hill. This summer’s bike riding will be brutal. Hopefully, when I get back, I’ll be training and lose these extra pounds.

“Spin” has been a fun read. I am almost half way through it.


Big Nerd Ranch: Day 0

Arrived in Atlanta around 3:00 pm. Watched the luggage carousel revolve for 20 minutes before my bag finally fell off the conveyor. Met the nerds around 5 minutes later. It’s just a bunch of guys, programmers and fellow Apple enthusiasts. After a ride in a rickety bus, we make it to the Historical Banning Mill. We mill about the place, eat dinner at 6:30, shoot some pool and go to back to our rooms around early. I end up reading my book, Robert Wilson’s “Spin.”

Sleep. Then onto several days of pure Cocoa pleasure.

European Vacation 2001: Good-bye Iceland.

Aug. 16, 2001

07:40 Showered in sulfery water. Geothermal energy.

14:50 Done with Iceland. Blue Lagoon. Perfect end to the vacation. And the lunch wasn’t bad at all. Flight in an hour.

15:50 Sitting on floor. Waiting for the boarding shuffle. I get the seat w/either stinky Europeans or crazy Americans. Can’t wait to board.

21:35 Stuck between a bunch of French students. Pissing me off. When do we get home.

This is the last entry for our European vacation of 2001. It was a blast. A cruise. Then decompression in Iceland. If you get the chance, I think you should check out the Scandinavian side of Europe. It will delight and entrance you.

European Vacation 2001: Iceland!

Aug 15, 2001

19:15 Back @ Hotel Saga/ Ate Chinese at Aziahusid. First country. Last country. Chinese food. Saw waterfalls Gullfoss and Geysir. Thingvellir, the place of the first parliament in Western. Lots of walking. Pulsyr. Hot dogs. Sunrise @ 4:00 am. Sunset @ 10:00 pm.

The cruise may have been over, but my brother, my mom and I visited another three days in Iceland. Amazing place. The mid-Atlantic ridge peeking out of the North Atlantic. I want to go again at least in mid-summer and mid-winter, the longest and shortest days of the year.

European Vacation 2001: This is the end of the line

Aug 14, 2001

02:45 Got back from the disco. Got some fun.

Need to wake up after 3 hours.

06:25 Up. Morning. Not much sleep. Can’t wait to get off this ship. Purple @ 7:00 in the theatre.

08:25 Waiting in line. Dumb European airports.

12:28 Iceland time. It’s kind of cold. Better than the heat wave in the US. Asta is our guide and Bjorn is our bus driver.

Thus ends our Baltic cruise. Visited lots of interesting countries. Those three email addresses are from some of the people we had met on the cruise. Unfortunately, I have never used them. What do you say to people whom you think thought you are strange? Anyway. We still have the disco.

European Vacation 2001: Oslo by the sea

Aug. 13, 2001

07:30 Viking tour. Last day. Early. Last night won some lose some at the craps table. Seasick from the motion. Rough seas. Had to check the horizon. Went to be early 01:00.

07:45 Mantz is our guide and Harris is the driver.

13:25 Leaving Oslo. Short time. Very pretty, clean, and nice wouldn’t mind coming back.

16:40 Packing up. Just jam the clothers in the bag. No worry about wrinkles.

21:50 Packed and ready to go. Few things left. I’m kinda missing this place already.

Oslo. Nice town. Small by the ocean. Saw the Holmenkollen! That would be a nice thing to launch off of! Loved Oslo although it was our shortest stay.

European Vacation 2001: At sea.

Aug. 12, 2001

11:55 Woke up late. All day on the boat. Gloomy. Foggy. Rainy. Can’t wait for the next port. Breakfast. Lunch? Semi-formal dinner. Drunk. Will stop drinking. Up twenty in craps last night. At the bar w/cute girls.

15:55 Got out of pool and the jacuzzi. Freezing cold. Mmm. I feel good.

Was a cold rain soaked sail going to Norway from Poland. On the ship, it sucks because ther is not much to do. It became boring. We had done and seen it all.