A W on A BDay

For my baseball partner in crime, Orioles get a W against the hated Yanks and Adam Jones hits an Earl Weaver special. He did it just as we were doing FaceTime.

It’s been a long time since we’ve talked. There is the 12 hour time difference, and I could barely hear a word she said. Yet, we had some fun.

Yeah for a W!

Even better as nice present to my good pal, Marge! Happy birthday!

Link of the Day [6.07.11]

Yesterday, I asked a question about Twitter/iOS integration. Today's link gives an idea of what it was all about. Again, will this mean more followers, especially, those who use facebook? Or will Apple in the next release include facebook? Currently, glad that my only true social network persona resides on Twitter thus Apple's plans validate my choice. I wonder why facebook didn't join in or if they were even asked.http://www.fastcompany.com/1757764/one-touch-tweets-twitters-deep-integration-with-ios-revealed

Tweet Notes: MD 88 is 5 seats wide.

MD 88 is 5 seats wide. The overhead bins are small and not too tall. Going west by south is stupid ridiculous. Once doors are closed we're sealed in. Sitting in an airplane on the middle of the Tarmac looking like we are on the take off lane!How is it that I got a longer wait in Atlanta again. I've been here twice and I've spent more time waiting for a plane than I had ever done flying here. Atlanta airport metro running slow. Nice breakfast at Brioche Doureé. French. Croissant. Ham egg and cheese. You'll find it on concourse A hidden by the bookstore. Went to concourse A. Now back in concourse B. Did not take the Metro.
Sent from my iPhone

Tweet Blogging

This should actually go as a tweet rather than a blog post, but IniTech blocks "social networking" sites. I'll have to post it to my blog.I'm actually listening to The Blue Hearts album. The problem is that the titles of the songs are in kanji. I have no idea of the song I'm listening to. I'll just have to rely on their punk-rock energy to enjoy.