Quote of the Day [1.05.14]

Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen
when the snow lay round about,
deep and crisp and even.

Good King Wenceslas, Traditional Christmas Carol

Roasting Chestnuts

Slow and easy. It’s cold out there, and I have a cold. I’m just eating soup and lo mein hoping to be ready for work on Monday. Sucks. We’re almost done here.

Resolution [Rewound]

Are you planning on any? I’m not except for the weight loss thing and getting healthier. That’s it. Or perhaps learning a language in programming or in speaking. Nothing revolutionary just evolutionary.

Winter Wonder Landing

It’s snowed just about every week since Thanksgiving. It was never like this, and the last few years there was barely any snow. Now, we’ve got snow. Lots and lots. Snow season has moved in. At least we haven’t had an 18″ blizzard yet. Keeping the fingers crossed.

Old Acquaintances

Let’s get it started early. So long 2013. Hello, 2014. Here’s to everything that happened in the past 365. Here’s to everything that will happen in the next 365. I wish you and yours a safe and happy New Year!

Link of the Day [12.30.13]

The penultimate day of the year! Yeah, I just used a vocabulary word. Yeah, I used it right. And, yeah, the year is almost over, but let’s not forget the past year. What I mean by that though is the past year in film.

Lately, this blog besides the “Twelve Days of Christmas” has devolved into my film comment blog. Not reviews, but comments. Not any insight into the movie I saw, but insight into my reactions to the film.

How is this holiday specific? It’s auld lang syne for movies. Pretty soon I will set up my own list of great movies this past 2013. Happy New Year! Enjoy another holiday… I’m stretching for things to write.


Quote of the Day [12.29.13]

Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the yearSnowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to shareSleigh bells in the air
Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories thereChristmas time is here
Families drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the yearChristmas Time Is Here, Vince Girauldi Trio

Winter Wonderland

I’m purposely posting everyday to get me to Little Christmas as the eastern Church would call it. Here’s a shot from the Ice! ice show at National Harbor south of DC.

It was a cold, cold experience even though today’s temperatures reached into the 50s. I wore my Patagonia Better Sweater, a hat, and a scarf, yet the provided parka they gave to you help insulate me more. Unfortunately, I did not have gloves and it got cold. After a bit, I wanted warmth.

This is a reminder that over the Holidays there are some things to do besides eat, sleep, and watch television.

Get up.
Go out.
Enjoy the winter!

Staying Warm At Night

This ish is hard when you have no theme. I would post something more interesting, but I’m too lazy and stuffed to the gills with Holiday feasts. Maybe I can figure something out in the next couple of days…

Yule Log for your viewing pleasure. Not sure if it shows it for the full hour. I only watched 30 seconds in order to figure out if it was worth posting.