From The Road

Looking over those last few posts from the start of the Hawaiian vacation, I notice that it’s a mess. I’m trying to give you, my readers, live updates, but if they are to look as funny as they have maybe I should stop.

I’m torn on how to update. While I like taking some pictures and post them, what should I use: email to Flickr or BlogPress? They both post differently and make the pictures appear different. I’m more used to using Flickr but I thought BlogPress would make it better. Yet, I like having the photo posts saved out to Flickr for better archiving.

The other aspect of blogging on the road is that of time. I should enjoy the vacation every precious second. Let me stop posting, but I like to jeep the blog alive with posts. You’ll keep hearing from me.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

In Flight Access

What happens when you’re stuck on this flight an miscalculate the flight time? You go crazy!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

“I’m telling you, that guy is weirder than a $5 bill.”

Work sucks, but it pays. If I wasn't getting paid, then I wouldn't be here. I'm here, but I want to be elsewhere. Anywhere but here is good.I need that November vacation, BIG TIME! The last vacation I had taken was Espana 2007. Since then, the vacations were of meager time — a weekend, four days, a week off at home. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed those vacations because they were NOT work. They were too short primarily and a little bit unadventurous. Labor Day is here. The tradition end of summer. We're on our way to FL for Disney World. I'm not really excited about this one. It's Disney, and I don't have kids. It's Disney, and I'm here with family, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces. It's gonna be some wild, wild weekend.Further down the road is the big adventure in HI. That's gonna be fun. I really want to go back to Iceland. Now that sounds like an adventure.All of this is expensive. I have to tap the rainy day fund. It's raining hard, like Hurricane Earl. See you in the airways.

Journey's End

Journey’s End
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Best thing about driving to the beach? The Beach!

This time, once again, in VA Beach. It was a horrible long drive. One with lots if traffic in DC, then in VA. 95 and 284 was all traffic. But chilling on the sand at the end of the day was worth it.