Final day is just half a day. What can be crammed in too my brain in this last 4 hours. It seems plenty already, but we have barely scratched the surface. We learn about NSTextView. The class I really need to get familiar with in order to get my program out and running.
We get a quick overview of some advanced Objective-C. It’s a little bit too much to know about. It seems that the reference count is not handled by the root NSObject but shuttled off into a data structure that holds only those of retained by 2 or more objects. We also learn about the mysterious way key-value observing works. It seems that at runtime Objective-C creates a proxy object to handle the object observing. This is rather scary, but it works. And we also learn that even though your instance variables are supposedely protected, they can be accessed through key-value coding. Bye-bye protected. Hello globally available.
We also built a framework and a palette. Things that may not be useful now but in the future when I become a Cocoa master. It will be a long road. I must get started.
Anyway, we finished the class with lunch, put on the bus to the airport, and are ready to bring our new skills to our daily tasks. I still have to wait several hours before my flight. I am sitting in the atrium of the ATL airport. It is now 4:00PM, five hours before my flight. I am watching young christian missionaries gather to go spread the word of God wherever. They are like us pilgrims to Aaron’s class. Cocoa addicts who must now evangelize the greatest that is Apple. Let me tell you about it when I ship my software.