“And Matthew, of course, is from Neptune.”

This is the annual “I am fat and shall lose weight starting now” post. Yeah, it doesn’t really work out vert well, now, does it?

Once again, the goal is to be 20 pounds lighter. Currently, according to WeightBot, I am 201.6 lbs. Realistically, I would like to get below 190.

How will this be accomplished? Working out? Yes. Bike riding? Maybe. A diet? Yes. Eating right. Exercising daily. Attempting to be healthy.

I can do it.

Bracket Has Ceased

Darn! And we only just begun. It looks the way I filled out my bracket is just like burning money. You have any money I can burn, too.

Not completely blown up, but if that G’town-Ohio score holds up that might just sink the ship right there. G’town. How phony! CapSwell why did you trick me?

Oh yeah, just as I said yesterday? F’ the Irish!

UPDATE: 10:32 PM
I can’t watch anymore. My hearts all a flutter. Just lose. Just win. Just keep that bracket going.

CapSwell laments not rooting for his team. It’s because you can’t be too emotional to make your picks. You just have to be cold, calculating. That way you can say it was the numbers that made you fill out your bracket that way. Here’s hoping CapSwell’s other brackets are doing alright.


Thanks, Louisville, you fucks. There goes my bracket.

I was eating at Bateman’s last night as Villanova wins. Half the crowd cheered on that lay up the other half groaned. It was cheers for our brackets! That put me into money contention. Louisville, you fucks, ruined it today.

Oscar Pool Update in 3D

Time's running out. Get your vote in. There's just 5 of us, but 3
prizes! You could be a winner.CapSwell took his chance and changed his vote. Good luck with the new.
I'm gonna track your old ones too just to see how well your second
guesses helped.There's a concensus forming around best picture: Slumdog Millionaire,
FTW, and Danny Boyle winning best director is also unanimous. And who
can not root against the dead, Heath Ledger is also penciled in as a
lock. It's rumored that his daughter will accept the award on his
behalf and she'll be played off the stage by the orchestra. I can't
wait to see that.Most of the other categories have different choices. It seems most
everyone, except me, likes Jai Ho for Original Song. I picked O saya.
I just listed to it on my iPhone. It sucks. Maybe I should resubmit.Anyway. Here's the major links to this endeavor…If you haven't voted:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pTj2DeezQPzc5S_Njq2AtTwIf you want to talk trash:

Link of the Day [1.16.09]

Get your very own cup noodle vending machine! Raise your blood pressure while you’re at it.

According to Danny Choo because I can’t read Japanese, today’s link is a chance to win a personal cup noodle vending machine. No word on if you get any cup noodle to fill it up. I bet they also give you a year’s supply. I wonder how many cup noodle is a year’s supply? The way my blood pressure is, for me, a year’s supply is probably two with all the powdered mix (msg) dumped out.


April Madness

In the NCAA office pool, I'm hanging around in mid-pack, but about 22
points off the lead. Yet, if my final pairing of teams, Memphis-Kansas,
with Memphis pulling it off, I think I can bounce into a money position.
There's not many people ahead of me picking this combination for the
finals. I think it's around 4 with just a couple picking Memphis as
winner.This would be sweet to make up for the $20 loss in Fat War.

The Insanity of the Office Pool

The annual rite of spring, the NCAA office pool, has come. Just like the annual swallows returning to Capistrano, every year millions are bet on these 33 college basketball games. It’s dumb and amusing and you’ll always lose. I guarantee it.

I got Memphis over Kansas in the finals, 74 to 68, with NC and Duke rounding out the final four. Why do I keep picking these losers? As long as Memphis takes it, I think I can get some money. I don’t know anything about the college game today, so that I don’t have to worry about analysis of what teams are good. I’m just picking, because every thing is a push.

Go Memphis! (I have no idea where that school is or even if they are any good.)

Vote Quimby

I don’t really write much about politics around here. Every time I do end up calling this president a fucking fucktard. (There I go again!).

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday when a lot of states hold their primaries for each political party to assign delegates for a particular presidential candidate. I think it’s about twenty states that hold these primaries or caucuses. Here in Maryland, we don’t have ours until the 12th, but by then the presidential race may have been decided by tomorrow’s poll results.

Even if it was Maryland’s primary day tomorrow, I can’t go because they are not open to registered independents. Thats’s right. I am not associated with a particular party. I sit on the fence and perhaps choose who I think is the best which is strange because I pretty much vote a straight Democrat ticket except for the judges who I don’t even know how they get on the ballot in the first place.

This is all prelude to letting you know that I am endorsing Barack Obama for president. For me, he stands the idea of change. We don’t need another set of royals running the country. It would be 12 years of Bush rule (excluding 8 years of GHWB VP) and 16 years of Clinton rule if Hilary can get elected twice.

That’s too long to see executive power confined to these two families. We need some new blood.

Now, I have some reservations about him. Mostly that he preaches some kind of cross partisan unity. We don’t need any of that. We need a Democratic party leader to put the fucking Republicans in their place. Make them a withered, destroyed, desolate party in full rather than just the souless one they currently play. And he doesn’t really ask for that. I don’t think any Dems are asking for that, but payback is a bitch.

I want change. Perhaps Obama can bring it to us.