“My boss is pretty strict, so I can’t get any of you free food, except for Bill.”

Reading about the big bailout of the financial industry, I am fucking mad. If the pussy Democrats in Congress allow it to pass, then John McCain deserves to be president, because the nation can go to hell.

To give that much power and control to the Fed is just something else. They want to buy the bad assets with our money. We should be buying the companies themselves for the amount we are paying. And we should be making every wage slave of the financial industry our own personal butlers and maids. The should come to my house and clean it.

Here’s some links of note to the whole fucking boondoggle.

They’re still making billions

Why you should hate it

The failure of capitalism

We have seen the fall of communism supposedly brought down by our Republican friends. Now we see the fall of capitalism brought down by our Republican friends. Like I said before, they should never ever be entrusted with the government.

Quote of the Day [9.14.08]

“We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media filter tries to say about it.”

Brian Rogers, McCain spokesman

(ht talkingpointsmemo.com)

Quote of the Day [9.04.08]

“I believe in this party and all it stands for. I have been a lifelong Democrat. And I will work my heart out to make sure that our values — Democratic values — are restored to our government again.”

Joe Lieberman

Quote of the Day [9.02.08]

“Simply put, when the government is run by a political party committed to the belief that government is always the problem, never the solution, that belief tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Key priorities are neglected; key functions are privatized; and key people, the competent public servants who make government work, either leave or are driven out.”

Paul Krugman, “John, Don’t Go” Sept 1, 2008 NYTimes

Quote of the Day [8.22.08]

“Now, my friends, I’ll offer anybody here fifty dollars an hour if you’ll go pick lettuce in Yuma this season and pick for the whole season. So, ok, sign up! Ok, when you sign up, you sign up, and you’ll be there for the whole season, the whole season, ok, not just one day. Because you can’t do it, my friend.”

Sen. John McCain (R-FckTrd) on jobs Americans won’t do

Link of the Day [8.12.08]

Sometimes political commentators can be blowhards hard to listen to and to take seriously especially if they bloviate about the problems of the Democratic party. While not perfect in any sense, and not achieving much for the American people, the Democratic party still strives to make living in the United States better for everyone.

The Republican party? Not so much.

Thomas Frank is supposedly one of the more astute commentators of the political scene. While I don’t doubt that (I had read One Market Under God which was okay), he does put succinctly the problems with the Republican party and the people who come to be its representatives. They are a corrupt bunch of people, because the philosophical underpinnings of the Republican party is corrupt as well. They are beholden not to the people who elect them but to the corporations and the wealthy. They believe government to be THE problem, but still want to work within it. You don’t put the criminals in charge of the police. Why do we do it for our government?

Get this book and see the impoverished ideas of the Republican party.


NBC coverage of the 2008 Olympics sucks!!

Suck it, NBC. Can’t you fucking support PPC? I want my Men’s Road Cycling now!

Update 1:

So I switch to the MacBook Pro. I need some Microsoft shit?! WTF?!? Can’t they use sucky flash? At least it’s built right into my browser!

Update 2:

Now I have to switch from Camino to Safari!!! WTF?! Camino is a Firefox variant?! Can’t they do anything right? (NBC and MS)

Update 3:

And that shit is beta?! WTF?!?!

I’m just gonna go to sleep, and read about it in the morning. Or see it on youtube.

Quote of the Day [8.07.08]

Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US

Title to the Aug. 6, 2001 President’s Daily Brief while vacationing on his Crawford, TX ranch

Link of the Day [8.07.08]

It’s the day before the 2008 Olympics in China. For all their advances in commerce and capitalism, let’s not forget how totalitarian the regime is. Their staging of the Olympics is a propoganda device meant to show the world that they are ready to be a part of it. Yet, they can still do what they did almost twenty years ago except now with a corporate logo.


Quote of the Day [8.06.08]

“It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”

Sen Barack Obama (D-Illinois) describing the GOP on their ridiculing of his “properly inflated tires” tip