Quote of the Day [7.10.08]

“You know something Fox. Right now in Europe they’re trying some 80 year-old camp guard for Nazi war crimes. And all around our country they got guys on death row for murdering 1, 2, 3 guys. And they probably deserve what they’re going to get. But you & I… we know a couple of people that are personally responsible for the death of what, 50,000 non-military personnel? Librarians, teachers, doctors, women, children. All dead! We’ve wiped-out entire cultures! And for what? Not one C.I.A. agent has ever been tried, much less accused of any crimes. You guys think you’re above the law. Well, you ain’t above mine.”

Nico Toscani (Steven Seagal), Above the Law

Not me

We only have ourselves to blame for this predicament we’re in.

If we only decided on higher gas taxes years ago.

If we only decided to build more fuel efficient cars.

If we only decided that SUVs or large trucks were ridiculous.

If our leaders would lead.

If our collective conscience would understand.

We wouldn’t be in this mess.

Quote of the Day [7.05.08]

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

President George W Bush, Fucktard

Quote of the Day [7.03.08]

“Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.”

Dennis (Michael Palin), Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Four legs good. Two legs better

The dumb-ass Dems give in and make breaking the law legal. WTF! Corporations are not above the law. They should be held to the same as you and I. Burn them down. Sent from my iPhone

iPhone kills Flash dead

Here’s an interesting link to understanding why running flash on iPhone sucks.

For all you stupid people complaining about Flash support on iPhone. The number one reason is that Flash is a performance pig. You may not feel it with an octocore Intel Mac, or whatever the latest is for Windows, but it cripples older computers like no ones business. On my PPC Macs, the performance meter is spiked. On my PC in the lab at work, a four year old Dell, it spikes the task manager. Flash is just the suck.

Hopefully, once everyone has iPhone, Flash will go the way of RealMedia — a dinosaur in the days of mammals. Suck it Adobe!

“Hunh, those guys are a bunch of fags!”

Need to publish this for the upcoming election. It’s another half-hearted draft. I don’t know where it was going, but enjoy!

Dave Neiwart sums up my problems with the consertive side of the political spectrum embodied by the modern Republican party.