Talking About The Weather

It’s bugging me. Staying indoors. The outdoors has been beautiful since the rona had hit. The weather has made it difficult to stay inside. Too nice. Except if you go out, you die. STAY HOME!

It was never really hot and unpleasant so far this summer. Maybe a few days we’ve reached into the 90s, but we haven’t had that week where it’s been 90 and humid everyday. It makes it fun to go out for a walk. I’ve been doing that plenty.

It was a nice spring. Always a pleasant and cool day. Not too much rain either. I think although being in doors makes it hard to judge.

I wish the weather was worse. It would force everyone back in doors. We need for you to stay home to stop the spread of the rona. You do it now and maybe in the winter we can go out again. But wear a mask.

Winter Wonder Landing

It’s snowed just about every week since Thanksgiving. It was never like this, and the last few years there was barely any snow. Now, we’ve got snow. Lots and lots. Snow season has moved in. At least we haven’t had an 18″ blizzard yet. Keeping the fingers crossed.

Sun Glare

Nothing to really write about lately, but I have to try.This morning driving into work traffic went from 80 MPH to a standstill because of sun glare. People, don't you know how to drive? I'm guessing that 75% (conservative number) on 695 this morning are commuters driving the same dreary route to work, but we still hit a slowdown because of sun glare. Come on, people, you should know by now the quirks of your drive to work. You should know that sun glare's just around the corner. You should know to have your visor down. You should know to wear your sunglasses. You should know not to look directly into the sun. You should know to look at the lines on the road. You should know to look at the backlit car in front of you.Follow the lines on the road and be wary of the cars in front of you and we can all still drive 80 MPH into the sun!

The Cloud

The CloudThe Cloud
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics

What? This looks like summer time! Miami

PE. S. Space I spoke this!

UPDATED: Because it needed rotating plus I really didn’t know what my “post to flickr email” was

Foolish Games

Faced with a dwindling bank account, I'm trying to cut spending on things that I have control over. I can't change my spending on gas, because it's mostly going to work. I can't change my spending on groceries, because I don't spend much on it. I may have to raise spending on groceries though, because my spending on dining out is outrageous. My cost of housing is fixed. I've cut down on buying manga. And I am trying to limit my electricity bill.It's low, but I am suffering. The thermostat reads 80 and that's with the relatively warm weather lately. It's gonna be a hot week in the 90s and I can imagine the thermostat reading upper 80s. I'm playing chicken with how hot I can manage it. What suffers the most is my sleep. I am on my couch downstairs to try and keep cool, but I am sleeping only in my boxers because it is too hot. I get up two to three times a night, because I am tossing and turning. Tossing and turning on the couch means falling off of it. Perhaps, today I will see if the aircon works. If only for a day…

Snow is coming down

Winter Storm

Went out in the snow to check out what and how it’s coming down. It’s a mess. More like sleet than snow. I don’t think we’ll be getting that two feet, because it’s too wet and it’ll compact itself down. I think it would be more like a foot.

Unless it keeps coming down until tomorrow evening like they say it will.

Snowing once again…

What a winter! It hasn’t been like this for fifteen years. We’ve had a big snow storm before Christmas. It wasn’t a blizzard, but it snowed for two days. Then we’ve got the cold. There were a few days earlier this year where it was below 30F. Now it’s snowing again. Winter time.

It’s a wonder that I haven’t gone boarding.