Link of the Day [11.15.11]

One thing about the internet, it brings you closer to strangers while still being a stranger. I often like looking at creative people’s blogs. It makes for interesting reads at how they do what they do. When do they find the time to blog?

For respect of Community and to acknowledge that being put on the back may mean cancellation, here’s Dan Harmon’s tumblr. Maybe sometime this week he’ll tell us how he feels about that.

Gravity’s Pull


They are so 80s. So high school. So that time of my life. It reminds me of fall going into winter and having to do winter soccer. Being punk rock. Or being an outsider. What is it that Holden Caulfield said about all the phonies at his school?

Link of the Day [7.22.08]

The Big Foot hoax was squashed several years ago when after the man who shot the most famous Big Foot footage revealed it was just a guy in a gorilla suit after all. Yet, some people don’t take that revelation as the truth. Big Foot may still be out there. These guys will still be on the lookout.

Link of the Day [7.21.08]

There’s a lot of space in space. There’s a lot of stars, too. There’s got to be a planet orbiting a star just as Earth orbits the sun. The planet could even have similar conditions that support life like here on Earth. The life forms may be similar to Earth or they could be more advanced. They could have technology we only dream of in our science fiction stories. They could visit us. Or not. Do you think they’re out there? Do you think that they’ve been here?

I’m not too sure, but some people do believe. Who am I to argue?

Don’t watch

This is either hilarious or very annoying. I think the music is funny. I think the editing is good. Yet, I am annoyed that that stupid tune will linger in my ears for the rest of the day.