Link of the Day [7.03.23]

It’s the middle of the year, summer is in full swing, but what better way to think about the passing of the year with thinking about calendar layouts. Yes, you heard that right. Calendar layouts!

Today’s link is one I found a long time back, maybe earlier this year, but forgot the URL until recently. It’s such a simple idea for calendar layout. I wish I could print one. (My printer is out of ink and obsolete).

Covid-19 Days – 364

It went by so fast, and yet it felt like nine times more days than that. Was it just a year ago that it came all crashing to a halt? Was it just a year ago that we finally knew that the rona was something to be wary about? Was it really that long ago that dumb, morally corrupt people were in charge of fighting it? People who don’t give a hoot about other people. Bury our dead in their Florida resorts. It really was. Just a year ago.

Still. We are not out of it just yet.

Yesterday, President Biden had a speech upon which he wants to really get the US over the hump by the 4th of July. If we all can put our effort to getting the vaccine and to keep being vigilant, maybe we can do it.

It’s a longshot.

Covid-19 Days — 294: Happy New Year!

Welp. Sayonara to 2020. And good riddance. Let’s hope that 2021 will be much, much better.

I hope you have a good year coming. Let’s make it one for everyone.

Happy New Year!

Your Name Is Hope

Good bye, 2015! Hello, 2016!

If you celebrate tonight, this video should help. It’s Nogizaka46’s first showing at the Kouhaku Uta Gessen in Japan and it’s a very big deal. They spent all their focus to achieving this goal. Four years, 50+ members, 10+ graduated members, scandals, heartbreaks, fun, hardship: it’s represented by these two and half minutes. Congratulations, girls! Ganabarre! I hope the next year is as accomplished as this past one.

They did their 5th single, Kimi no wa Kibou (Your name is hope). At least Nagashima got in the senbatsu to sing. And all members are there. ALL! I love these girls…

“Like a big bear.”

After reading this article, the first thing to come to my mind was, “Has it really been 10 years?”

The film was ahead of its time, Favreau said, setting the stage for the type of comedy found in more recent box office hits “Old School” and “Wedding Crashers.”

Skateboard madness

As a young dude, to while away the idle time during English class, I would doodle in my notebook drawing skateparks. You see back in the day when I skated (early 80s to mid 90s), there really wasn’t any places to skate. The public skatepark was on the decline and there were not many around. So this article describling how skatepark design has come a long way, brings out the young kid in me. I need to get a new board and ride some of these new fangled parks. Olle one-foots all day!