Covid-19 Days — 441

I believe the last time I got my hair cut was perhaps a week before the state shutdown because of the rona last year. So even though I am balding, I was sporting some long hair at the end of these tumultuous times. Long hair was great and glorious running my fingers through it was the best.

Today I got my first hair cut in 14 months. I just asked for the barber to clean it up. She did and showed me. It was ugly. I wasn’t liking it. So I told her to cut it a bit more. She cut at least two inches off. Now I can’t put my hair into a ponytail. I miss running my fingers through the long hair.

The haircut looks good. Yet even as I sat in the chair, I wondered how long will it take to grow back.

Bald on the top, but long in the back. I was sporting an ugly rona mullet. I want to get that back…

“Ah, two of the most exquisite pleasures known to modern man: tobacco and whatever it is this chair is doing to my pelvis.”

I think I’m going stir crazy.

Stuck inside for a bit. Just don’t feel like working. Just don’t feel like thinking. The internet is boring. The television I watch is boring. The YouTube videos are boring. I’m betting that this post is boring you, too. I know that it is for me. I am bored.

Ennui has set in. I truly need a vacation.

Sure I don’t know why I am telling you this, but I am.

Don’t be bored.


I’ve fallen down a hole and can’t get out. I’ve spent the last three months down this hole. I’ve done nothing but be in this hole. There is a light and it’s carried by cute girls.

The hole is a metaphor for being a fan of Japanese idols. They are the young girls of Japan who try very hard to win the adoration of the Japan through singing, dancing, acting, and comedy routines. They are also very cute.

They work hard for our affection, and I’ve fallen hard for their schtick.

I have lots to say on this subject since I’ve drowned in it. I’ll have some posts up about an American perspective of the idol factory. It’s very weird.

“I Suck: The Bill McNeal Story.”

Fuck. I love this song. The video? Not so much. I selected it because of the other ones on YouTube don’t have that weird stuff popping out of the piano. Okay, it’s pretty weird.

Midnight Smoking

Just hanging out waiting on things as they smoke em. Lost in all this is that we’re just in a parking lot after a bull roast. Maybe we could’ve done this in a safer position at a better time.

I’m done smoking.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

The Truth Is Out There

VLA Radio Antenna

Courtesy of tjblackwell.

Science searches always to determine why, what, how. It is always questioning, looking, searching, peering deeper and deeper into the mystery of life and the universe. Is it all there is? Is this all there is? Years ago, I read Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe. It blew my mind. We will find out lots of things. Keep searching.