Link of the Day [12.11.08]

Here’s a first — a link of the day that doesn’t take you anywhere. Of course, if you had a problem with any previous links of the day, then you may have thought that those took you no where, and you have already seen a BrowserMetrics link of the day that doesn’t take you anywhere, special. But I promise this link doesn’t take you anywhere of note, because it ends up at some domain name seller who is parking this domain name waiting for someone, maybe me, stupid enough to buy this domain. Get me Homer Simpson.

Yes, have some

Coffee?  Tea?  Or me?

It’s beginning to feel like autumn. There’s a chill in the air. So mornings start off nice with a hot cup of coffee. Then, after lunch a cup of hot tea is nice as well. At night, some hot chocolate would help ease the day to slumber. And some Nozomi wouldn’t be bad at all.

“Ah, that tiny new car smell.”

Link of the Day [9.30.08]

So I have a few anime figures, the latest being Tabitha from Zero No Tsukaima. Don’ ask me what the hell that anime is, all I know is that I really dug the figure. I would do the cool thing and take some pictures, but I just don’t have the camera for it. You have seen my figures on my flickr account? Some of those photos aren’t so great, and the layouts are very dull. I would love to show them off in a better way.

So head on over to Happy Soda and read his figure reviews. They are very interesting, because each review has an intro story that seems to capture the mood of the figure. Then he photographs them awesomely. Someone get me my camera!

“You can’t let Mr. James take away Matthew. He’s not his little puppet for his amusement. He has a very important role here.”

I just signed up for Nico Video. It’s some kind of Japanese site. I have no idea what it’s about. I think they are producing video and putting it up there. I just joined to watch Penguin Musume. No idea what it’s about. There’s even no fansub. Just yet. But I laughed at the first episode.

So how did I register? They have a spanish version of the site. I had to use the rudimentary spanish I know to register for a Japanese site. Some kind of weirdness is that.

“Dave, if by some incredible miracle Bill does come back, don’t tell him I put his coffee mug in my pants.”

Link of the Day [9.09.08]

That’s one crazy link, hunh? I know that it is better web etiquette to put an actual descriptive phrase for the link enclosed in those anchor tags, but I’m just continuing on with the grand tradition of the raw URL, because it’s the way it looks if I post via email. Keep it the same for both web-based or email-based posts and you don’t have to worry about the format. You do have to worry about the length of the line, because iPhone wraps it weird;.

Anywhoo, today’s link is to OtakuUSA magazine’s article on “Gateway Anime.” That’s anime that leads you to becoming a life long fan. It’s similar to how cigarettes or pot can lead you to harder drugs like crystal meth or special K. I know my gateway anime is Robotech. I did watch a few episodes of StarBlazers, but it was usually on crappy UHF and hard to get good reception, so it was tough to watch. And I did love watching Speed Racer and Kimba, the White Lion, but being so young at the time, I didn’t think about them being “Japanese Animation.” They were just some cartoon.

Robotech was different. You couldn’t wait for it to come on, so you’d hurry home to watch it or set the VCR to tape it. Then you’d watch it over and over. And not too long afterwards, you buy your first Valkyrie fighter. And it was cool. Next came the models. And finally, you’d get that first crush on a 2D girl. Oh, Lisa Hayes (Misa Hiyase in the original Macross), forget that lame Rick Hunter…

Hunh? Where was I?

Oh, yeah, Robotech was my gateway anime that started me down the anime fandom road. Not to mention School Rumble.